Letter Twenty Three.

58 3 0

August 24, 2015

Dear Phil,

Chris is living with me for the next month. Pj would, but he's been working on his whole Oscar's Hotel thing. Which I understand.

I don't want anyone living with me except you. It doesn't feel right.

He sleeps on the couch because he said there wasn't really a point in putting him a room in considering its not permanent. Only temporary so he can monitor how I am.

Currently, I'm not okay.

People online have been trying to ask what happened. I've made them so upset. They say they've been beyond worried and everything since they figured out I was taken to the hospital.

Lexi is over right now. She's talking with Chris in the living room. She won't bring you up around me right now, but I can hear them talking. I'm sitting in the hallway, listening.

She's telling him about how when you found out what I did, when you read the last letter, that you shut down. It was so sudden and she says that you just started screaming.

I'm sorry.

I really should stop causing you pain. I need to get out of your life completely.

But I can't bring myself to do it, yet. Not without killing myself.

I'm sorry.

I'm going to start crying again.

I'm going to go so I don't get the paper wet.


Letters to Phil. (Phan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ