Letter Nineteen.

57 3 0

June 21, 2015

Dear Phil,

Today was an okay day.

Louise came over. She told me that she was over at yours a lot, so that sparked a conversation.

She told me that you were sad, but you were doing better now that you've gotten another letter from me. Again, I'm sorry for worrying you. I just needed time to myself for a while and so I took it.

I posted a video a few days ago, which really excited the fans. I got so many paragraphs on Tumblr and tweets about how everyone was so worried and everything. I felt really bad for worrying them, too.

Today, Peej and Chris are coming over and I'm actually kind of excited about that. We're just going to chill and play games like the old days, minus you. Which makes me a bit sad, but I'm getting over it slowly.

So yeah, today was okay. Probably the most okay I've been since you left.

Bye, Philly.


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