Twenty Seven.

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October 19, 2016.

Dan's POV.

"How are you doing?" Chris asked through the phone. His call had woken me up from an actually good sleep, which kind of irritated me, but I was glad because I probably would've stayed in bed all day.

"I'm good," I said, yawning and stretching. There was a little bit of silence before I heard a soft sigh.

"Do you realize the day it is?" He asked. I sat for a second before realization set in and a wave of sadness hit me. I slouched against my pillows and closed my eyes.

"I'll be okay," I said, mainly to myself.

It's been over a year since I've even heard from Phil. It's gotten easier to deal with, but I still have times where I get really sad.

No one brings him up that much anymore, just the occasional "Are you okay?" When I'm not really smiling that often. I appreciate it.

"You sure? Do you want Peej and me to come over? We aren't doing anything today," he said, concern lacing his voice. I smiled to myself, taking a deep breath and sitting up with when there was a knock at the door.

"No, I'll be okay, Chris. Thanks, though," I told him, throwing a shirt on. "But hey, the mail is here, so I'll talk to you later," I said, walking through the apartment.

"Alright, Dan, bye!" He said, hanging up. I walked to the door and opened it, smiling at the mailman.

"Good morning," he said. I nodded, yawning again as I grabbed the mail he was holding out.

"Good morning," I said, "have a nice day," I told him as he walked away. He smiled.

"You too," he said. I closed the door behind me and walked back up the steps before flipping through the bills in my hand. I was just about to set them on the table when one caught my eye. I stared at the name on the return address.

Phil Lester.

I dropped the other pieces of mail and quickly opened the envelope as quickly as I could without ripping it completely.

I stood in the hallway, heart racing as I started to read the familiar, yet so foreign, handwriting.

October 17, 2016.

Dear Dan,

Hey, Dan. It's been a long time, hasn't it? I haven't heard from you in what? Over a year now? Wow. That's a really long time.

I still consider you as my best friend. I never stopped. I don't know why I never came back, maybe it was just the stress that I was under, and then I found Lexi.

I miss you, Danny. I kind of really want my best friend back, and I'm really hoping this gets to you on the 19 because I'll be in town then. And I kind of need a place to stay as well.

You remember how I proposed to Lexi? Well, I couldn't go through with it. She understood that. She moved away and is now with this really sweet guy that actually deserves her.

I'm going to be in town, though, and if this gets to you on the 19 or the 20, I would really like to see you again. I figured I would go to the Starbucks down the street from your apartment at about noon on both of those days before I head back to my parents.

I really want to see how you're doing. I miss you.

But its up to you. :)


I studied each word as I reread it over and over again. Excitement was boiling inside of me.

Phil was in town.

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