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The nerve of him, to just come in here with another girl when he specifically told me he's not seeing anyone else. But then again he could've just met ole girl and he's taking her on a date. Either way it doesn't make it any better and I saw red and I just wanted to wipe both the smiles off their faces.

"Hello." Trey sang waving his hand in front of my face taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I said.

"Can we get a large popcorn, Swedish Fish, and two large Cokes?" He asked.

The smile on his face is just surprising, like he has no remorse whatsoever. I pushed my feelings to the side and totaled his order. "$15.83." I said.

"Damn Lani, I don't get no discount?" He laughed taking his card out his wallet.

I took the card from him and didn't crack a smile. After swiping it I handed it back to him without looking, I tore off the receipt and pushed it to him on the counter. I filled the order and placed everything on the counter.

"Thank you." He said.

"Mhmm, next in line!" I called out.

I saw him look at me weird and walk away.


"Aight what's ya issue you been sulkin' for the past two hours now?" Tory asked.

"Nothin'." I said.

"Mhmm whatever, you just don't wanna tell me." He said.

"You know me so well." I said.

He sucked his teeth. "That was code for 'you should tell me anyway cause I'm your best friend'." He said and I gave him a blank stare. "Anyway, I'm 'bout to go clean up theater eight since that movie is almost done."

I nodded and he walked away grabbing the broom and dust pan. I grabbed the rag from under the counter and began to wipe off the counter from the spilled soda and other food crumbs. After doing that task I went into the lobby and wiped off the tall tables along with the short tables.

I could hear the movie crowd coming out but I continued to clean. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, I rolled my eyes already knowing who it was. I huffed turning around to face him.

"Damn, what's all this attitude ma?" It was the guy that asked for my number earlier.

I sighed. "My bad, I thought you were somebody else." I said.

"Oh." He nodded. "So your name."

"What about it?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You never told me."

I looked up at him and smirked shaking my head. "That's because you didn't ask." I said.

He smiled, staring at me and chewing on the straw of his drink. "So you gon' tell me?"

"You gon' ask?"

He laughed. "Excuse me beautiful, but could you tell me your name?"

I looked at him and shook my head blushing. "Lani."

"Finally, you always make guys jump through hoops just to get ya name?" He asked.

"Only the ones I'm not interested in." I said then walked away.

"Oh that was cold Lani, real cold." He smiled and I laughed. "I'll see you later though."

"Bye." I waved and he walked away.

Another movie crowd let out and I could see Trey in the distance but he wasn't with the girl. I tried to find anything around me to keep me occupied, and keep me from facing him.

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