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After school I came home and stopped by my dad's apartment since he asked me to come by. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.

"Hey babygirl."

"Hey dad." I smiled walking in. "Ooo I see you have the gang here." I said kicking off my shoes. "Hey uncle Tyrese, uncle Boris." I said giving them each a hug.

"What's up youngin'?" Uncle Tyrese said.

"Nothing much just tryna get through this last year of high school." I said and he nodded. "So what's up dad, where's the big surprise?" I asked sitting next to him on the couch.

"So, I got you a little house warming gift." He said getting up from the couch disappearing around the corner.

Moments later he came back with a portrait sized box that was wrapped in decorative paper.

"You remember one of those pictures I gave you of your mom?"

"Of course, it never leaves my side." I smiled.

He handed me the gift and I tore the paper off revealing a cardboard box. I opened the box and pulled out a portrait of my mother and I instantly began to tear up.

"I saw how much you adored those photos and I thought, why not get one blown up." He shrugged.

I sniffed. "Its beautiful, thank you." I said and he smirked wiping my tears away.

"I'll help you put it up whenever you're ready." He said.

"Shoot, I'm ready now." I laughed.

"Okay then let's go." He got off the couch and so did I.

I put on my shoes and opened the door. I stepped outside and my dad followed with his tools and my uncles close behind.

"So Lani, your dad tells me you have a new boyfriend." Uncle Boris said as we stood around in my apartment.

I ran my fingers through my hair and raked it to one side and watched my dad hammer a nail into the wall. "Uh yea, his name is Trey."

"He ain't like that Jahon nigga is he?" Uncle Tyrese asked.

I chuckled. "Jahron uncle Ty, and no he's not."

"Aight I don't wanna have to buss a cap in nobody ass." He said and I laughed.

"Well, you don't have to worry about him." I smiled. "He's a good guy."

He chuckled. "Yea, so is Stevie J." Uncle Ty said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why, just why?" I asked.

Uncle Boris cleared his throat. "Mmm, well your aunt Nicole and I are having a Labour day cookout, so you can bring your friends and this, Trey guy."

"No doubt, your cookouts are always live." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Live?" He asked.

"Yea, live, poppin'." I explained and he still drew a blank.

"For God sake Boris, it means fun." Uncle Ty chimed in.

I laughed. "Thank you."

He sucked his teeth. "Man look, just be there get some food and have a good time." He said bringing me into a hug.

"I will." I hugged him back.

"We just got a pool put in so bring a swimsuit, or whatever y'all wear in the pool now'a days."

I laughed. "Okay."

"Aight Shemar I'm out, bring yo' ass Ty."

He turned up his nose. "Aight Lani, I'll see you later." He gave me a hug. "Mar, I'ma get at you aight."

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