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"What are you doing tomorrow for Labour day?" I asked Trey.

"Family cookout, you know black people." He said and I laughed. "You should come with me." He said and my laughter died down before I sat up. "You're overthinkin' again." He said, and I was.

"No its not that, my family is having a cookout too." I said halfway telling the truth.


"My uncles wanted to meet you."

"You mean interrogate me?" He said lowly.

I side eyed him and he rubbed his hands over his face.

"They're not gonna interrogate you Trey."

"I'll try and make it, just for you baby." He said and gave me a quick kiss. He got off the bed and I got up following him to the kitchen.

"I told you I talked to Forrest?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"Really, when?"


"Oh, where'd you see him?" He asked.

"Ikea, I was in there looking for a new bedframe and I bumped into him, literally." I smiled.

"And what happened, what'd he say to you?"

I shrugged. "He apologized for the things he said to me and said that since I'm gonna be around now, he wants to make amends and be cordial so that whenever we see each other, its not always a war." I said and Trey nodded.


I smiled. "He also said that you liking me he feels is just a phase." I said and he shook his head chuckling.

"Whatever helps him sleep at night." He said.

I tucked my bottom lip in my mouth and watched him move around the kitchen fixing himself something to drink.

He glanced my direction before pouring some juice in the cup. "What's the matter?"

I shook my head slowly. "Nothin' just thinkin'." I said watching him put the juice back in the fridge.

He smirked before sipping some of his juice. "Something you do best." He said.

"I can't help it." I said lowly.

"Mmm, look its gettin' late you should probably get goin'."

I smirked. "Why, you got someone else comin' over?"

"Yea my other girlfriend." He joked.

I smiled a little. "Yea okay, don't play with me." I said.

I walked to the front door and pushed my feet into my sneakers and grabbed my keys.

I opened the door. "Good night Miss Parrish." He said.

He walked towards the door and I stepped out.

I smiled. "Good night Mr. Neverson." I said before turning towards the stairs.

"Wait." He called out and I turned back around to him. "You just gon' leave like that."

I walked back over to him smiling a little and he stepped outside and leaned down to kiss me. We pulled away and he kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow Trey." I smiled.

"Aight, call me when you get in." He said.

I gave him a thumbs up then jogged down the stairs to my car. My phone rang in my pocket, so I took out my phone.

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