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I grabbed my keys and phone off the night stand pushing them in my pocket.

"Where you goin' Lani?"

"Poetry Reading."

"Can I come?"

"Mmm, not tonight Quito but, I'll definitely take you another night I promise." His face lit up. I tussled his hair a little before walking out the kitchen.

I popped my head in the living room letting everyone know I was leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"Bombay Liv."

"Did you clean the dishes?"

"Can't Laila do it, I basically cleaned the entire house today."

Before she could rebuttal my dad spoke up. "Have fun Lani, just be back by curfew."

"Thank you daddy." I smiled.

I slid on my sandals on and walked out the door. Clicking the unlock button on my keyring I slid into my 97 Mercedes.

Tonight is Vibe Night at the Bombay Cafe. It's when city individuals write their own material and present it in front of the crowd.

My dad first introduced me to it when I was thirteen, and I've been going ever since. My little brother wanted to come but its was for people eighteen and older tonight.

I adore going to these poetry readings and spoken word readings, because it just takes me to a place that I can't explain. It's just a beautiful thing and also like a drug to me. I just need my weekly fix.

It's a stress reliever.

Many people turn to extreme drugs, but me, I turn to poetry. Yea I might hit a blunt here and there, but this is what I turn to mainly.

I pulled into the parking lot and switched the car off. I stepped out hitting lock on the keyring.

I walked into the cafe and the lights were low as usual. I stopped at the counter and waited in the short line.

"Hey Ms. Sylvia." I said leaning on the counter.

"What are you doin' here chil'?"

"I came for Vibe Night, like I do every Friday."

"Yea but tonight is for eighteen and older." She stressed.

"I know." I nodded.

"Go home Lani."

"Oh please let me stay Ms. Sylvia please?I'll be eighteen in two months please? I'll even help you clean up afterwards-"

"Okay Kehlani damn, you can stay."

I smiled batting my eyes. "Thank you."

She shook her head smiling. "Large french vanilla cappuccino."

"Ugh you know me so well mami."

She laughed. "Find a seat I'll bring it to you."

"Thank you." I walked away from the counter and found a table.

There was a lady on stage and she was just finishing up. The crowd snapped as she walked off stage. "Alright, show 'er some love y'all." Ms. Sylvia said into the mic. By the sound of the crowd her poem must've been weak. "Y'all ain't right." she said and the crowd laughed lightly. "Okay well the next guest is new, never read here before, so be nice. Put yo' fingers together for Trey." Ms. Sylvia said.

I snapped and watched as this tall brown skin man walked on stage. He was beautiful I just couldn't help but stare at the way his white t-shirt hugged his defined physique.

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