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"I am a moron. Even better: I am not worthy to be king!"
"Arthur, don't talk like that. Please."
Evening had fallen in Camelot. Outside, there was the soft sound of the dragons, who were growling to eachother in the night sky. Further... Instead of chaos, there was a certain kind of peace. The palace and the city around had been cleared from black eyed sorceres, and the only ones who did remain were those with eyes of gold.
Speaking about eyes of gold... They would remind Arthur until eternity about his stupidness.
"I am talking like this, Guinevere, because it is the truth," Arthur replied. "People have been lying directly to my face since the day I have been born, and I am, and have Always been stupid enough to believe them. First my father with his lies, then Morgana, my uncle, and now..."
"You did not even give him the chance to explain himself, Arthur," Gwen answered. "Can you blame him for keeping this from you?"
Arthur said nothing again. No. He would not say these words out loud.
Guinevere rose an eyebrow.
"You can't lie to me, Arthur Pendragon. I know you better then you know yourself. I know you will never say these words out loud, because that is simply not you, but I know that you consider him as your best friend, and I know Merlin does the same. You are feeling betrayed, because he has not told you the truth about him, but like I said before... Can you blame him? Specially Merlin knows, how much you hated magic until today, and he knows your reasons. What would have happend if-"
"I know, Gwen," Arthur said. "And you are right. Most likely, I would have done something terrible."
"I don't think this is what Merlin wanted, Arthur," She continued. "He did not wanted you to know in this way. I am sure of that. You should go to the chambers of him and Gaius, and talk to him."
"NO!" He said. "Just... No. I can't do that. Not after what I did to him."

From the moment that Merlin saw the look on Arthur and Gwen their faces, he knew that something was terribly wrong. And a certain feeling in his stomach gave him the idea of what it was. When he looked directly in the mirror next to the closet of Guinevere, he could see his own eyes. They were shining brightly gold.
This was the moment a lot of things happend at the same moment. Merlin wanted to be angry at Ireth, because she had broken her word, but he know that his anger had to wait. There was a big chance he had to run for his life in less then a minute.
"Arthur... Let me explain. Please."
Merlin could see the battle Arthur had with himself, all through his eyes. And to be honest... It made him affraid. It made him terribly affraid.
"After everyone... After all this time..."
Merlin knew the way Arthur was speaking to him all too well. Arthur was on the edge of anger. Pure anger, which he could release any minute.
"After all the lies people close to me have told me... After all the times people I loved betrayed me... You."
Arthur took his dagger, and laid it down on the table.
"Go out of my eyes."
"But Arthur-"
Arthur threw the dagger in Merlin's direction, were it scratched his shoulder. Gwen screamed. Merlin closed his eyes for a second, and left the room.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ