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Arthur was very curious about what would happen right now. The two gifted participants from the tournament would face each other right now, here in the arena.
"We've seen their condition, Arthur, " Gwen said. "They should not be doing this."
"I know," Arthur replied silently. "I am concerned, because of their condition. But if we look to the past..."
He was silent for a few seconds.
"I think it is best to see what will happen."
Gwen moved her lips a bit, and two figures entered the arena. The dark cloaked figure, and the knight in armor. They hold still in front of their thrones, and Arthur moved his hand.
"Let the fight begin!"

"Gaius... Can I... See him?"
It was the end night of the tournament, and celebrations were still going on in Camelot. One of the Knights of queen Annis had ended up as the big champion from the tournament, had succeeded in all categories, had the word of Arthur that the knight his first born son could accompany Ygraine to her sixteenth birthday feast, had received his weight in gold, had received a lot of magical artifacts, and had received a sword forced in a dragon's breath, out of hands of the king.
"I do not know if that would be wise, sire," Gaius responded. Arthur had sneaked away from the celebrations in the great hall, and no one had asked why. Everyone knew his reasons.
"Why not?"
"These past days have asked a lot of them, my king," Gaius said. "They are fast asleep right now. If we would wake them up... It could bring them back to where they have started, all from the beginning."
Arthur sighed. It had been so long, since he had really spoken to his friend. But he knew the physician was right. Merlin and his beloved needed to heal. They needed to take their time, right now.
"I understand," Arthur said. "Inform me when their condition changes."
The old man nodded, and Arthur left his chambers, back to the great hall.
"You were pretty great today. Oi, I haven't actually gratulated with the birth of Ygraine and Tom. A great name choice. They are adorable."
Arthur almost jumped through the roof, but when he turned around, he looked in the familiar eyes of Merlin, the Merlin he had Always known.
"Merlin! But... Gaius had said-"
"Yeah, I know," he grinned. "About that... Let's say I can vanish into nothing. I'm not really here, actually. My mind is here, my body-"
"Is in your chamber," Arthur answered.
"Exactly," Merlin said. "Arthur-"
Both young men realised they had so much to say to each other, but there was no time. Merlin could disappear any moment.
"I want you to be the teacher of my children," Arthur said. "You, together with Lucy. From now on, you will be the court sorcerer of Camelot, together with the young Lucy. You won't be servants anymore, you-"
"Arthur, I cannot accept this. Don't you realise-"
"Merlin, will you shut up?" Arthur asked. "This is my way to say... To say thank you, after all you have done for Camelot."
Merlin was really surprised by this announcement. Arthur never thanked anyone.
"Accept my offer, please."
"You will need to remind me," Merlin answered. "I am just a shade from the Merlin I once was."
"I don't understand-"
"Listen to me," Merlin said. His voice was becoming softer. "Time is running out on us. The Merlin you will find in Gaius his chambers is scared, affraid of himself and everything around him, and very sensitive, with certain moodswings sometimes."
Merlin was slowly vanishing into nothing.
"I can never thank you enough for what you did, but please-"
He could look into his eyes, for one last time.
"Be patient with me."
It sounded like a echo, but Arthur knew what he had heard. He would be patient. Until forever, if he had to.

Somehow, the entire arena had changed into a battlefield, but there had not been fought yet. They could see the battlefield, but they couldn't feel it.
"An illusion?" Gwen asked. Arthur nodded.
It was the thunder that alarmed them the fight was about to begin. It was the rope of fire that started everything.
The knight in shining amor avoided the fire easily, and turned his sword into a sword of fire.
"Lyft sy þe in bǽlwylm ac forhienan se wiðere."
A wind of fire came from the knight in armor, and she straigth on the dark cloaked figure, who blew her away with some simply spoken words.
It started to rain, and all fire in the arena went out. The knight used his sword to get up.
"Eorðe, lyft, fyr, wæter, hiersumaþ me. Eorðe ac stanas hiersumaþ me. Ic can stanas tobrytan. Hiersumaþ me."
The earth in the arena started to vibrate like never before, and the dark cloaked figure sank down in the earth.
"Miere torr sweoloþhat."
An explosion of fire. Smoke everywhere in the arena. When it all cleared, the knight and the figure in the dark cloak were standing next to each other, bowing to the crowd.
"Bedyrne ús! Astýre ús þanonweard!"
Dark smoke. The knight and the figure in the dark cloak were gone.

"I have told Merlin we want him to become the court sorcerer."
Arthur and his wife were in bed, listening to the last celebrations outside. Some people were still celebrating, and Arthur had decided to let them.
"I thought Gaius had said it would not be wise to wake them?"
"I didn't."
Arthur told his wife everything about what had happend in the hallway, and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"It hurts my soul they had to go through all of this."
"I know, my love," he said while kissing her. "We will be there to help them. That is the only way to repay them."
"And you wouldn't know another teacher in magic for our children," Guinevere grinned. "Just admit it."
Arthur smiled slighlty akward.
"Okay, you got me. No one else could teach them better than idiotic Merlin."
"Well, if you ask me, he isn't such an idiot these days."
She kissed him. He stroked her back.
"I love you."
"I love you more."

"Gaius, don't keep this from me. I know it were the two of them in the arena. No one else would be able to cast such magic."
It was the first night of the tournament, and Arthur knew exactly who the two gifted people had been that afternoon in the arena. Oh, he wasn't that stupid.
"It was their own choice, my lord," Gaius said. "They wanted to show the people some nice parts of magic. I hope there is nothing wrong with that?"
"Both of them are having issues with self control and a lot of other things, since they have woken up," Arthur said. "You are not going to tell me they were just being-"
"We were not."
Lucy was leaning against the door post of Merlin his room. She looked more tired then she ever had before.
"Gaius, could you-?"
"Of course," Gaius answered Lucy her question. "Geoffrey has asked me in the library."
Gaius left, and Lucy looked at Arthur, with yellow, tired looking eyes. He didn't know what it was with her eyecolor. It was changing all the time.
"My lord, I am... Sorry if we have done something wrong, but we just... We wanted to show the people of Camelot... Another part of magic... Than the creepy extremely power part... At all... Costs."
She was obviously having trouble speaking, and she really neaded to lean against the door post. Arthur took a chair for her, and helped her to sit.
"Everyone knows you and Merlin need time to heal. It wasn't necessary. I know if it had gone wrong, you and Merlin would be back all where you have started."
"Camelot is more... Important, then we will ever be."
"But you are important to Camelot," he said. And he meant it.

The following day, Arthur said goodbye to those who were not joining them at the end feast from that night. It would be the last day of the celebrations. Guinevere was feeding her daughter, Ygraine, and while nothing happend in the room, the eyes of her daughter turned gold when her mother smiled, and somewhere inside, Gwen knew this meant something good.
Because Lucy would join Merlin in his duties as the court sorcerer, Gwen had taken a new maid called Talia, a sweet girl between the eighteen and twenty years old, with brown hair, and someone who knew how to work.
"My lady, the little Ygraine is turning more beautiful every day," Talia said. Gwen smiled, when she brought her daughter back to her cod.
"I know. Have you noticed a change in this room, Talia? Her eyes glow gold sometimes, and I don't know if something has changed."
"I haven't, my lady," Talia said. "Maybe you should- Oh, I am so sorry," she said immediately.
"Don't be sorry, you can't do anything about it," Gwen answered. She knew what the girl had meant to do. She had wanted to suggest that she should go to Lady Lucy or Master Merlin (Arthur's rules, that was how they were supposed to be called from now one, specially after the ceremony, whenever that would take place), but that was still very difficult. Everyone knew their part in the battle of Camelot, and during the tournament, they had underestimated their powers and health. According to the queen, they were on bed rest with no visitors.
"I still want to tell you how honored I am to take the place as your maid from lady Lucy, my lady," Talia said. "I am sure she and Master Merlin will be good for the future of magic in Camelot."
"I agree on that," Gwen smiled.

Specially a very long chapter guys, because this is chapter fifty. Little question... Would you like it to see a sex scene between certain characters, a singing scene, a feels scene, or a O MY GOSH IT IS STARTING AGAIN SCENE? Drop it in a comment, and if you're doing that... Maybe a vote too?

Love you all :)

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