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Arthur had had a hell of a night. The sorceress had not lied to him when she said that his dreams would tell what would happen if he wouldn't agree on her offer. Visions of natural disasters, attacks of dragons, and a dead Guinevere had haunted him that night. And not a single hair on his head was going to tell Merlin about that!
After he had send Leon away with his message for the sorceress Ireth, he sat down behind the table on his working spot, where he signed important papers, and wrote messages.
What would do this decision to Camelot?
Not even half an hour later, Gwen put her head around the corner.
"You should have awoken me."
"I did not want to bother you in your sleep."
"You haven't slept well last night. I can see it."
He looked up to her for a few seconds, realising how much he loved her. He wanted to say something, until a knock on the door interrupted him.
"Come in."
It was sir Leon, who had returned from the forest, together with the other knights.
"My lord. My lady."
"Speak, Leon," Arthur said. "How did it go?"
"She has already casted the spell, my lord," Leon said. "The court is waiting for both of you."
"The court is already waiting? What-"
"It is complicated," Leon said again. "She agreed in casting the spell, but when she had casted it, we heard screams from the village. A hand full of people were running around, screaming with black eyes, yelling that their eyes were burning out of their heads. I've ordred to bring them to the castle, so they won't create a lot of panic under the people for now, but-"
"For this far, you've handled very well, Leon," Arthur said. "We're coming immediately. What else is it you wanted to say?"
"It is as Gaius has told us, sire," Leon said. "Those who have ever turned their selves to dark magic have dark eyes and are in terrible pain, we hear messages from all of the corners of Camelot. But from some people, their eyes are glowing a bright gold, and they don't seem to be in any pain. Gwaine went to the chambers of Gaius to ask if he wanted to examinate those we have brought into the castle, but-"
"I am aware that Gaius has a past with sorcery, Leon," Arthur said. "Let him do his work. But tell me, have you seen Merlin?"

Merlin ran into their chambers, to find Gaius,packing his medical bag.
"Has cast the spell, and now, there is chaos everywhere because people don't know what is happening to them? Yes, I know!"
Just now, Merlin realised that something had changed about Gaius.
"Your eyes-"
"I know Merlin, I know! We don't have time for our own issues right now, we have other trouble to worry about. Hurry up!"

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now