Twenty eight

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It was on the morning of the first day of Gwen in her eight month, when Merlin and Arthur came back from a hunting trip, accompanied by the other Knights. The previous months since Lucy had fainted for the first time had been terrible. Both Merlin and Lucy had been suffering from terrible headaches, a dizzy feeling inside their head, and both of them were having trouble keeping the control over their hands and feet. It had gone well during the hunt, but both their conditions got worse with the day. When the group entered the courtyard of the castle, a guard immediately came to Arthur, and whispered something in his ear.
"Merlin, go to Gaius his chambers. Take Leon and Percy with you."
Merlin knew something wasn't right.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Don't be such an idiot, and just go."
Merlin went off his horse, and went into the castle, accompanied by Leon and Percy. Outside, Elyan, Gwaine, and Lancelot went to Arthur.
"Something has happend to Lucy," Arthur told his fellow Knights. "Gaius is affraid he might do something stupid, so he wanted Percival and Leon with him, just as a precaution."

Inside the chambers of him and Gaius, Merlin found the old man next to an unconcious Lucy, who was laying down on one of the emergency beds they had. He kept her head cool with a wet cloth, and  Merlin his lips became very, very dry.
"What happend to her?" Leon asked.
"She fainted again this morning," Gaius told them. "But she hasn't woken up since."
Merlin, who exactly knew what this meant, started to breath heavily.
"Can you help her?"
"Merlin, you know,-"
"Is there nothing you can do?"
His voice broke, and the two Knights felt sorry for their friend. Everyone in the entire castle knew how dear the servinggirl was to him,
"There has to be SOMETHING-"
Merlin started to freak out, and as his eyes started to change in pure gold, without the white of his eyes, or his pupils, the two Knights decided this was the perfect timing to take Merlin away from Gaius his chambers. Both grabbed him by one arm, and they pulled him outside. They put him against the wall outside, but the ground started to crack open.
"Merlin, you need to calm down," Leon said "You know that Gaius will do everything in his power to help her. And you are destroying the ground."
"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" Merlin yelled. The ground around him started to crack even more, and the two Knights did a few steps back.
"What- Oh."
Gwen came into the corridor, probably alarmed by the noise, and when she saw the young servant boy againt the wall, crying, eyes filled with gold, she knew immediately what had happend.
"Merlin, she will be okay," Leon tried. Now, the wall behind Merlin started to crack.
"She won't. You have no idea what is coming upon us. She won't be okay. Don't you see?"
Gwen, who was almost unable to walk, kneeled down by him, and embraced him.
"It's okay, Merlin. It's okay."
And so, they sat down for a few minutes, Merlin feeling better after getting this much emotions out of him.
"Take him to the training field," she ordered the Knights.  "I'll make sure no one is there. Let him relief as much tension as necessary."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now