Thirty eight

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When everyone opened their eyes again, the only thing they could see was smoke. A few minutes later, it cleared, and they could see something... Something they'd never expected.
The battlefield had returned to the beautiful lands they once were, where the farmers went with their livestock, and every sign of destruction... It had vanished. But so had Morgana and Merlin.
On the walls, there was no one who said a simple word. Everyone was silent.
It was Arthur who made the first move. Oh, he knew exactly what to do.
He whispered a few commands in Leon his ear, and Leon went off the walls, giving orders to the men. They had to look for those who were wounded. They had to look for their families. Yeah, they might had won the battle of Camelot, but they could only start celebrating when everything was as it was supposed to be.
Leon leaded the men back to the castle, and Arthur sended Percival to the tent of queen Annis, to send worth of everything that had happend.
Arthur slowly vanished from the walls, and went to the place where he would find the answers he was looking for. There was still one little bag with dust left, to blow into the wind, and to call someone to give him advise when Merlin couldn't.
At their meeting spot, Arthur blew the dust in the wind, and within seconds, the great dragon arrived. The first thing Arthur did, was bowing for him.
"Thank you, that you and your kind have helped saving Camelot. We owe you a dept we can never repay."
Now it was Kilgharrah who bowed.
"Thank you, young king, for your belief in magic. Your belief is what saved your kingdom."
"That honor does not go to me," Arthur said. "Not this time. Merlin..."
He sighed.
"You and Merlin are more wise then I will ever be. Do you... Do you have any idea what has happend to him and Morgana, and what the future will bring upon us?"
"As usual, you don't ask me the most easy questions, Arthur," the dragon said. "But I will try to answer them as best as possible. I do know what the future will bring upon you and your family. You will enter a new era of peace, and wellfare for Camelot. You will continue to be the king you are supposed to be, and unite the lands of Albion."
"But with Merlin, right? Merlin said we are supposed to do that together."
"Yes, you will unite the lands of Albion with Merlin his guidance, but I must warn you. The events of the battle of Camelot have left their mark on him and his beloved Lucy, and none of them will ever be the same again. What happend to him to achieve such great power..."
The dragon was silent for a while, and Arthur knew this 'disease' of Merlin and Lucy had been something awful. A suffering he could not even bare for a second.
"His suffering is not near its end, Arthur," the dragon continued. "It will take long, very long, until you can see the pieces of a Merlin you once knew. Only with the help of those he loves, of those who he sees as family, only then, he can become the man he was before. But he will not be the same again."
"I will help him as much as I can," Arthur vowed. "On my word of honor."
"I know you are a man of your word, Arthur Pendragon," the old dragon said. "And that is why I believe it will happen as you say. About the witch... We can only be very happy she has died. Merlin and Lucy have traded her life for that of the high priest Alator, who will bring the priesthood back into the lands of Albion."
"Thank you for your wisdom," Arthur said. "I... I have one last question. Do you know where they are?"
The dragon laughed. Arthur did not understand why.
"That, my boy, is not up to me to tell."
"Then, I will see."
The dragon left from their meetingspot, and Arthur returned to the castle. There were still wounded people, but there was a place he had to go first. Someone was waiting for him.
He almost ran to his chambers, to find Gwen in bed, with one of their children in her arms.
She wanted to get out, but Arthur was faster, and the first thing he did, was kissing her.
"Gwen, I am so sorry-"
"Don't be. You won the battle!"
They kissed each other again, and carefully, Gwen gave the baby in her arms to Arthur.
"Ygraine, here is your daddy."
The baby laughed when she was in Arthur his arms, and her eyes became gold for a second when she touched his glove. His glove turned from brown to green.
"She... She has magic."
A tear streamed down his face from joy, touched by the beauty of his newborn daughter, and he knew he would love her until forever.
He kissed her, and Gwen took Ygraine from his arms, to introduce him to someone else.
"Here, we have Tom. I am sure he will love sword fighting, just like you."
Arthur laughed, and kissed her again. Looking at the eyes of their newborn son, he knew Gwen was right. He would adore swordfighting.
"You should not be out of bed. You need to rest."
"And so need you," Gwen replied.
"You are the one who has been fighting a battle. I have been here, waiting on-"
Both were silent. Both of them had a shade of emotion on their face. Arthur from sorrow. Gwen from... Worry.
"Have you... Have you heard it from Merlin?" Arthur asked.
"I did. He is okay again."
"Many of the Knights believe more then that," Arthur said. "And so  do I."
"Oh Arthur..."
"The dragon said something has happend to them... Something we will never understand. We need to support them. That is the only way we can repay the dept-"
"Arthur, please-"
"He has suffered, Guinevere!" Arthur said. "He has suffered more then any man ever should, only for the sake of Camelot. That is a dept... That is something we can never repay."
"In that case, I am affraid he is not the only one we can never pay back."
In short, Guinevere told her husband everything that had happend during his absence. How three witches disguised as a midwife and her two maids had  deceived everyone, had paralysed her, and how Elyan had killed one. After that, Lucy had appeared, killed the two witches, and knocked Elyan unconscious. Gwen her labour had started long ago, and Lucy had known there was no way Guinevere had been able to push, so with help of magic, she had cut the two babies out of her.
"I have healed completely," Gwen smiled. Arthur kissed her again.
"We owe both of them. We owe them more then we can ever give them."
Now it was Guinevere who kissed him.
"Go look for them. They must be somewhere."
He smiled. Arthur kissed his wife and children, and went out, to look for his manservant and his beloved.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now