Twenty six

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Time passed, and life continued in Camelot. Merlin did his work for Arthur and Gaius, Lucy accompanied her mastress Guinevere everywhere she could, and the Knights had only small things to do, as bandits in the Woods, and arguments between neighbors.
In the castle, everyone knew that the manservant of the king and the maidservant of the queen were having an eye on each other, and that there might be something more then just their friendship, and everyone enjoyed seeing them around.
Neither they had heard from Morgana, who seemed basically dead - at least, by their last encountering, they had left her for dead - , and that was something what made Arthur feel much more better. His kingdom was at peace, his own life was at peace, and two of his best friends could have a relationship with each other any minute. And to make it even better, Gaius had assured him that they would have twins, something what reminded him of the prophecy. A good prophecy.
"Don't be such a girl, Merlin. That we are at peace right now, doesn't mean I can't practice my sword fighting skills."
This time, Merlin was a real life opponent, and he tried to protect himself against Arthur.
"Merlin, I know I am good, but dropping your sword before I even have attacked you again? That's new."
Merlin, who was wearing the armor of a real knight, looked at his right hand. It felt like he... He...
"Merlin, what are you doing?"
"Nothing, sire."
He waved with his hand for a moment.
"Shall we continue?"

Gwen and Lucy were in the room that would become the nursery of the king and Queen their children within three months, and Lucy made Gwen choose between diffrent shades of colors for the cots.
"Don't you think dark green would be good for both of them?" Gwen asked. Lucy nodded, but while Gwen hold the diffrent shades of green in front of them, she could hear Lucy softly moaning.
"Are you all right?" She asked. Lucy coughed.
"I am sorry my lady. Since two weeks, I am having the most terrible headache. Gaius has given me many potions, but there is nothing that works.
"How unfortunate. Make sure that you take your rest in time. Headaches can be terrible."
"Yes my lady. Thank you."
Gwen turned back to the different shades of colors, but then she heard a bonk on the floor.
Lucy had fainted.
"Get Gaius, immediately!"
As far as her belly permitted, she kneeled next to Lucy.
"Come Lucy. Wake up. Please, wake up."

"What happend?"
When Merlin had heard at the practice field that Lucy had fainted, he had dropped everything, and he had immediately gone to her room, where Gwen was outside, waiting on an answer from Gaius, who was examining Lucy in her room.
"We were in the nursery when she fainted. I've called for Gaius immediately."
"Thank you," Merlin said. "She... Just... She needs to be okay."
"She was also complaining about a headache, a very bad one. Did you know anything about that?"
"I... She... I didn't."
In his head, Merlin had realised it. It had begun.
"She... Someone like her doesn't just 'faint,' Gwen. Magic can do weird things with your body sometimes. She... She has to be okay."
"She will be okay, Merlin. You know better then anyone in this castle that Gaius will take care for her like no one else can."
At the same moment, Gaius came out of Lucy her room.
"Gaius?" Merlin asked immediately.
"I have given her something to ease her mind. She needs to keep bed rest for the rest of the day, and when she continues her work, she needs to take her rest when necessary. My lady-"
" I will make sure she takes it," Gwen replied. "She made sure I took it, now I will repay her the favor."
"Can I see her?" Merlin asked. Gaius looked from him to Gwen.
"You can. But go easy on her."
Merlin immediately went into the room, while Gaius and Gwen staid behind at the corridor.
"She is Lucky to have him."
"Indeed she is. I am only affraid they cannot say it to each other."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now