Seventy one

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"I demand that you give me access to my sister!"
"Tom, you know that I can't do this."
"My sister is sick, I need to see her right now!"
"She doesn't want to see you."
Since they had told Ygraine the entire truth, she didn't want to see anyone except Merlin and Lucy. She didn't even want to see her own parents.
"You're lying. You're lying to your prince."
"Go ask your father if you don't believe me."
"You can be sure I will."
The young prince walked away. Lucy leaned against the wall, and sighed.
Tom thought he understood, but she knew he never would. The deep connection he had with his sister would vanish, or it would take a very long time before their bond would return. With Merlin and her... It had taken years. It had not even fully recovered yet.
"Tom again?"
When Lucy came back into their working space, Merlin was preparing a potion for Ygraine.
"He wants to see her so bad..."
"I remember when I was in his shoes."
The sorceress looked at her husband, and she knew he understood what Tom was going through, better than she ever would. She on the other hand...
Lucy got why the princess did not want to see anyone. It was the same reason she wanted Merlin to spend so much time with his students as possible, all these years ago.
"How is she doing today?"
"She had an epeleptic shock this morning."
"Oh honey..."
Lucy knew what that meant. The most horrible phase of all.
"I know, just... Can we talk about something else? Ygraine needs her potion."
"Arthur wants Evander to join him on his first mission for the kingdom, after everything is over."
Merlin was surprised to hear that.
"Really? That's wonderful!"
Her husband left the room to bring the princess her potion, and Lucy hoped she had at least cheered him up a little today. 

Then the day arrived Ygraine had turned into a cocoon.
"How long will it take?"
"I don't know. It may be days. Weeks. When a certain event happends. Arthur..."
Arthur looked at his daughter's bed, and he felt fear. More then he ever had.
"I know that you're trying to do everything in your power to help her, Merlin. I'm really gratefull for that."
"I wouldn't thank me just yet."
"Why not?"
"You really want to know?"
"Of course Merlin, this is about  my daughter, don't be such a-"
Arthur swallowed his words.
"You know, Lucy and I have been thinking. We knew from the beginning that she would evolve, but not why, or anything else."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Lucy and I... We were supposed to save Camelot from Morgana and her troops.  We even bargained her life for that from Alator. With a mother-in-law like mine-"
"Really, you're starting about her?"
"I'm trying to say... Nothing happends without reason. Why did you became king? Why did Gwen become your queen? Why am I a sorcerer? Lucy and I, we think that something is coming. Something really bad."

Arthur did not take Merlin his warning lightely.
Weeks, even a complete month passed. All the time, Arthur had his men om high alert, waiting for something he did not even know of.
That was not even everything yet.
Arthur, Guinevere and Tom spend as much time as they could next to Ygraine her bed, but the poor girl had not woken up yet. It started to ask its price from the Pendragon house hold.
After eight weeks, Tom had huge fights with his parents, questioning if he would ever get his sister back.
After ten weeks, Arthur and Guinevere had started to fight with each other.
"Is something troubling you, my lord?"
Arthur had a meeting with Gwaine about the men at their disposal, but it was difficult for Arthur to focus.
"I just... I'm fine."
"No, you're not."
"I need everything to go back to normal."
Gwaine knew what he meant.  He needed his daughter to return to him.
"How is Tom holding up?"
"He keeps arguing with me and his mother, questioning if she'll ever wake up. I can't blame him. I'm starting to doubt it myself."
"Try to look from the bright side: as long as Ygraine is still asleep, Camelot is still safe."
"You're absolutely not helping, Gwaine."
"I know, but hear me out. We've had ten weeks of nothing. The more time we get, the more time we have to figure out what We'll be up against."

"Tom misses you, you know. His sword play is getting more agressive with the day.  I have never seen him like this."
When Merlin had been on his way to bed, he had heard sounds from Ygraine her room. Evander.
"I know, I shouldn't be talking to you at this hour of the night, and you probably can't hear me, but you shouldn't be alone. Not now."
Of course the princess didn't respond. Merlin doubted if he should give his son his privacy or not.
"My parents never talk about when it happend to them, but I saw how they came out of it. They're not exactly what I would call "normal" you know. I've heard the stories from the other knights. I've even seen it."
Everything in Merlin screamed that he had to get away, but he kept listening.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this, at this hour. You probably can't even hear me, but I... I know that my mom went through it again because of me. She wanted my dad to be happy. Why do we always need to suffer because of our parents? We aren't them."
Then the cocoon started to burst open, and Evander started to move slowly back to the wall, his face frozen in surprise, but also in fear. Merlin quickly went into the room, and pulled Evander outside.
"Go wake your mother."
"Did you-"
"Go and awake your mother.  Then go to the king his chambers. No questions asked."
Something in Evander told him that it was wise too obey his father, and quickly he ran to his parents their bedroom. Merlin on the other hand went inside Ygraine her room, and locked the door behind him.

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