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I am curious, guys. Just curious. What do you think is ging tot happen next? Leave it in a comment!

This was definitely not Arthur, and Merlin knew that. He witnessed Arthur sitting in front of the window, while downstairs in the castle, his Knights were dealing with the situation of the black and gold eyed.
Merlin had figured out his own situation, in the meanwhile. For some strange reason, his eyes only changed from color in presence of Arthur and Gwen, and he knew Ireth was behind it. He would try talking to her later.
There was something else he had to take care of at first.
"I've always known you were a dollophead, but now, now you're really on your top of dollopheadness."
Arthur looked up from his spot at the window, with a face full of surprise.
"Dollopheadness? Really, Merlin? You're starting about your Merlin vocabulary right now?"
"For sure! How much a clotpole can you be, when you throw a dagger in the direction of your own bloody man servant!"
Arthur laughed, because he realised that Merlin was trying to cheer him up. But first... He needed more explanation.
Both of them shut their mouths.
"It won't work this way," Arthur said.
"You know what,you can go first," Merlin replied. "You're the king, after all."
Arthur sighed, and looked back to the window for a second.
"After the betrayal of Morgana, and the other lies of my father came to the light... You've seen how I was acting during these days. I was mad at myself, that I had been so blind, not seeing the lies they had told me, and then tonight, when you entered the room-"
"You were mad that it had happend again," Merlin replied. "And you were disappointed, that I haven't told you this in all these years we know each other."
"Actually, my first reaction was; How is it possible that Merlin the idiot has magic? And then, the anger I had... I still don't understand how you've managed to trick me all those years. How you tricked my father."
"Well, I was not the only one," Merlin replied to quickly. Arthur rolled his eyes, and sighed.
Of course. Gaius had known too. All this time. It did not surprise him.
"You know... I wanted to tell you. Believe me, you have no idea how many times I wanted to. At first, it was impossible of course. With your father as king, it would be to dangerous. Then, the circumstances of his death, and you, being filled with disgust against magic..."
He leaned against the table, and closed his eyes for a second.
"Telling you the entire story... It is too complicated. You wouldn't believe a word from what I would tell you."
"Try me," Arthur replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Come'on Merlin, do you think I have the entire week?"
Merlin wanted to Grin because of this comment, but he just... He just could not do it.
"To start... I was the one who set the great dragon free. I killed your uncle, and I am... Wait, according to Gaius and Kilgarrah, the world has many names for me. I am a warlock, dragonlord, they say I am the most powerful sorcerer to ever live, the greatest warlock ever, the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth, and above all... Emrys."
"Are you... Wait, are you even serious right now? You have magic, and you are Emrys?"
Merlin made a face. "Shut up, and let me tell you everything you need to know, cabage-head."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ Merlinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن