Forty four

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The special day of the young prince and princess arrived, and big celebrations started in Camelot. Guests from all the kingdoms arrived at the palace, to bring honor to the newborn prince and princess, and after the morning ceremony, a tournament would start, and the winner would get his own weight in gold, and something very special. But no one knew what it was. Except the king himself.
Before the special day started, Arthur visited Gaius, to ask him about Merlin and Lucy their situation. Unfortunately, Gaius told him Merlin and Lucy wouldn't be there today. They had another... "Episode."
"It's a shame Merlin and Lucy will not be here today," Arthur said to his wife while a servant helped him getting dressed.
"I know," Gwen answered. "Gaius told me that Lucy started crying, when she tried to leave their chambers yesterday. They are trying so hard-"
Arthur demanded the servant to leave them, and he embraced his wife.
"I know. They are trying. Specially Lucy, something that isn't surprising me."
"When are we going to tell them the news?"
"Not today, anyway," Arthur replied. "We have to attend to other events at first."
Before the morning celebrations would even start, The king and queen had both their own comittments to attend to. Arthur had to welcome princes who came in name of their fathers, kings of other kingdoms, and messengers, to welcome them in the name of Camelot. He also had to welcome the Knights who would attend to the tournament.
The queen had to take care of how the children would look like, but there was something... Something was eating on them, from the inside. Until now, Camelot was the only kingdom what allowed magic inside its borders, and the other kingdoms had also heard the story of the battle of Camelot, how Merlin defeated Morgana. How would their guests react on eventual events with magic?
It was something Gwen and Arthur didn't know. And they weren't really in the position to ask Merlin or Lucy right now.

That morning at the morning celebrations, the young prince and his sister received many, many gifts. They got rare treats from other kingdoms, Ygraine got a nice purple dress, Tom got a little sword, and they got so much more presents. But everything changed when someone in a dark cloak entered the throne room, leaning on a scepter. Arthur had a certain idea of what was happening.
"All hail to the newborn prince and princess. May they live long and happily."
"Thank you," the queen said.
"In the name of our daughter and son, we welcome you at Camelot," Arthur said.
"But my king... I have never left."
The hood of the cloak went off, and Arthur saw the appearance of the young lady he knew as Ireth, the young witch who had changed their entire lives. He also knew her as Lucy, the maidservant of his wife, and the love of Merlin his life.
"Lady Ireth... What a wonderful surprise."
Everyone in the throne room knew the name Ireth. Everyone knew the name of the witch who had spoken the spell that revealed everyone with magic in the kingdom.
Some didn't know if they had to be scared or not.
"Thank you, my king. I wish you and your family all the luck in the world. In the name of magic, I am here to give your children a few very interesting gifts."
She made a few movements with her hands, and blew something what looked like dust into the direction of the two cots in the thrownroom, where the two enfants were.
"In name of everything what has and will be, the words I speak will certainly happen. The young princess will possess a beauty no one has ever seen, and she will be one of the most talented and intelligent people in the entire kingdom. The young prince on the other hand, he will have the knowledge of a true king, and he will be a king like no one has ever seen, to lead his kingdom into a new dawn. And as a Pendragon, he will receive the powers of the dragonlords! No dragon shall bring him harm. Both the princess and the prince will receive a gift to remind them of these spoken words. That they may remind them of the day they were born."
She made a few movements with her hands, and a mirror, and something what looked like a sword, appeared into the air. The mirror was a small one, one you could hold into your hand, and was made of the most pure gold, inlaid with Crystals. The sword was made from a metal no one had ever seen, and the blade had words on it, what seemed to change the entire time.
"I have spoken."
Ireth vanished in a bright light, leaving an entire crowd surprised behind.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now