Fourty five

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In the previous chapter, you could read about an old way of torture, with varied methods. The victim would be bound on a wheel with wooden spikes, like the ones from horse wagons, or they would be bound on a wooden cross. The person doing the punishment would have a Hammer (think about mjolnir size of stone) , and slam on the limbs of the victims with it, to fracture their bones, to end with one last punch at the heart.

After the morning celebrations, Gwen immediately went to the Chambers of Gaius and Merlin, to look for her maid and Arthur his manservant. She did not even knock on the door, but when she entered, Gaius pushed her outside the room.
"Not now, my lady. Not now."
"Gaius, as your queen-"
"You need to be patient, my queen," Gaius said. "Everything will point out like it is supposed to."
"But Gaius-"
"It is not up to me to explain."
With those words, he closed the door, leaving Guinevere in the hallway.
"How rude."
She decided to go back to her Chambers, to visit her children, because Arthur was having a meeting about the tournament from this afternoon. Because the tournament was in honor of the twins, it was alsof in honor of those who had vallen in the battle of Camelot, one of the reasons Arthur did not participate.
Entering the nursery of her daughter, she saw that for some strange reason her entire cot had turned purple.
Guinevere had to remind herself to ask Merlin how he was as a new born. Maybe it could help her. If she ever had the opportunity to ask him. Whatever was going on with them... She didn't know what would happen next.

Guinevere was just done feeding her son, when Arthur came in.
"Ready for the tournament, my love?"
"The first tournament without you risking your life? Yes, I am ready for that. Blue dress or Green?"
A maid helped Gwen change, while Arthur waited behind the clothing screen. While she was changing into her other dress, she touched a certain spot just under her bellybutton.
There was no sign of it anymore, but she knew that was the spot where Lucy had cut her children out of her.
Brave Lucy. Without her, Arthur would have no family left. Again an example of good magic.
"So..." Arthur started. "How do you think about the gifts given by Ireth?"
Gwen demanded the maid to leave them. From here on, she could handle it herself.
"Merlin could help him with the gift of the dragonlords. He is the only other dragonlord alive."
"But it is Merlin-"
Gwen stepped from behind the screen, and gave her husband a look.
"Arthur Pendragon, do I need to explain to you why Merlin is the only one worthy in teaching your son about magic?"
"Ygraine turned her entire cot purple."
"It was Brown."
"Do you understand what I am trying to say right now?"
Arthur sighed. His wife was right. As usual.
"We... We should talk about that with them when they feel up to it."
"That might be sooner then you can imagine," Guinevere smiled.
"I beg you pardon Guinevere?"
"You should be patient, my king," she replied. "Don't you have a tournament to attend to?"

That afternoon, everyone cheered when the king and his queen entered their seats at the arena. All participants were excited, because it would be a tournament no one had ever seen, and all were extremely curious to the mysterious price the king would give to the winner of the tournament, next to the huge amount of gold.
All Knights, twenty in total, entered the field, helmet in their hands, to listen to the king, who would open the tournament. When Arthur rose his hand, the entire crowd became silent.
"Welcome. First of all, I welcome all of you in Camelot. You will participate in a tournament no one has ever seen, and no one will ever see a tournament like this ever again. In special, I welcome the Knights of queen Annis, who have bravely fought as our allies in the battle of Camelot, which took place on the day that the princess and prince came into this world. This tournament is not only in their honor, but also in honor of those who have fallen that day. In honor of those who were prepared to sacrifice their lives for Camelot. In honor of the two servants, who went through more then a man could bare, for the sake of our Kingdom."
The crowd cheered. Gwen touched the hand of her husband.
Everyone had heard the stories of what happend to them. Were they went through. What they exactly had become. Everyone felt the deepest respect for them.
"The winner of this tournament will get his own weight in gold, and will have the honor to fight against me," Arthur continued. "More prices will be revealed during the tournament. Next to all of this, I think it is very wise to make all of you aware that those who don't play like they are supposed to, will be punished very badly."
Silence. King Arthur did not often punish people, but when he did...
The participating Knights knew what could happen. It made them shiver.
"This tournament exists out of four diffrent parts, to start with sword fighting. Let the tournament begin!"
The crowd and knights cheered for the king, and left the arena. Gaius, who had been watching the opening from the sideline, pulled Lancelot with him, who had been last one in line.
"Come with me," Gaius whispered. Lancelot followed him, while the first two Knights, one from Camelot, and one from Cenred's Kingdom prepared theirselves for the first fight in the arena.
"I need your help with something," Gaius explained, while he leaded Lancelot through the mass of tents around the arena.
"You were the first one of the Knights who knew about Merlin his Powers, and I don't know anything about Armory-"
He pulled Lancelot into a tent with Merlin and Lucy, both in armor, suprisingly awake for their current state, and both gasping for air like they just had ran over the entire world.
"This was a worse idea," Lucy gasped.
"No," Merlin gasped back. "The worst in the world."

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now