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My conscious begin to drive me on,i slowly open my eyes,feeling like thousand of weights being put onto it.I then sit up on my hammock,brushing away my hair to the back of my ear.I yawn sleepily,i still wanna sleep,but thinking of my responsibility here...i hop down onto the ground with small thud.Being a leader here is much much more than you think,all over the days,girls fighting,yelling,here and there.Pretty much that happen all day long.For 1168 days here,we stay together,building a comunity and give the best shot every single day.

And today is one of the day,need to wake those shuck faces.Here's a tip to survive,better not step onto neither their hand nor hair nor their face when you walk in the morning or when you want to wake them up,cause i swear they turn into a lot more worse than griever and attack you.But this is what in the glade,what we got.

I made my way to the center of the glade,taking my loud speaker along.Well,time to wake up,i suck in a deep breath and yell through my trustful loud speaker;

"WAKE UP! HEY SHUCK FACES,WAKE UP! We got lots to do,here and there,back and front,side and side.No day for lazy ass like you,so wake your klunk self and get ready the morning! I don't think the time stop when i wake you girls up!"

And just i expected,no one stand up,Urghh,how i hate this job!

"Hey,you girls hear me or not?! We gotta rise and shine! Or i'll use the hard way instead,i say i give you girls 4 seconds to rise!"

By that,all the girls jump out from their blanket and groan could be here...everywhere.I give them my devilish smile,knowing my old trick work all the time.One score for the leader!Just then,i'm being push aside by no one else but Lila;

"Yeah yeah,we're awake.Just cut the voice and threat before i kick your leader loving butt out to the maze before you know it!"

She fasten her pace to the kitchen,just like the other gladers. I sigh and start heading the same way,couldn't start a tiring day without breakfast aren't we? On my way,i feel like hand on my shoulder,i turn to look at it and just as i expected,my second in command that is also my best friend is there smiling to me.You know,being in the maze for three shucking years and you already can spell out who it is with only a touch.

"Lila just a piece of klunk. Keep your mind off her if you don't want to die because of high blood pressure.Think that bloody Keeper of the Builder can do anything"

"I used to it Nina,besides it's not her that driving me crazy.It's the maze,stuck here for 3 years and feels like shucking stupid.I mean how many more shucking years we're gonna live in this rubbish? I begin to feel sick of it"

"Yeah,another more year and i think i'm not more than a piece of klunk myself.But hey,we make it in 3 bloody years"

"Yup,you said that.Try taking my job as waking the girls"

"Uh uh,no thanks.I'm happy being me."

"And that's what i'm talking about"

We make our way into the kitchen,Fiona,the Keeper of the cooker hands us a plate full of mash potatoes and bacons. We thanked her and begin to sit as the gladers start to fill the glade in.Another boring day starts now.I tell Nina to fasten her munch if she want to make it to the North door before it open.

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