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We were walking down the corridor, finally- finally, I feel so tiny somehow. I'm scarifying myself, with not-so-happy heart. The walk is dead silence, only the sound of our shoes tapping on the concrete corridor.

"There's a room right up here on the left," Janson explained. "I already put a typing pad in there if you'd like to leave any messages for your friends. I'll figure out a way to deliver them."

"I'll make sure you get something to eat, also," The woman said, her politeness is killing me with annoyance.

I entered the room and sat in a soft chair, staring at the typing pad on the small table in front of me. I had no interest in writing a note to anyone, but I didn't know what else to do- clueless, that's it. The situation had proven to be way more complicated than i could've imagined. Whatever they did, I could just play along until the Right Arm showed up.But there wouldn't be any coming back from playing along now.

I finally typed goodbye messages to Minho and Brenda and Nina and Thomas and also Jorge, Jorge? Nah, shrug it off, it's just a play along, just in case I ended up dead; then I rested my head in my arms- those arms that I miss during the in the glade. Were all the tears go to, knowing how cruel WICKED is. That's until the food arrived. I ate slowly, then rested again, having no interest at all. I could only hope the others showed up in time. Either way, I would being cut up for sure.

A knock make me sit straight and Janson walk in. His tight face shows everything, it's time. I stand up and wear in my bag. Somehow, my action startled Janson;

"You're ready?"

"Yeah, come on. It's time to stay in light, and focus the asset."

Rat man nod and he lead me down another corridor, my face drop sad every second pass. Janson led me to a prep room with a wheeled bed surrounded by all kinds of monitors and several nurses.

"So, this is it then, goodbye world?"

"I'm sorry Minna, we really need to do it."

Suddenly, a woman burst in,"A Berg arrived with a delivery, but it was a trick to get people inside—they're trying to take over the main building this very second."

Janson's response almost stopped my heart at once.

"Looks like we need to hurry and get this procedure started. Christensen, put him under."

As that, two nurse drag me onto the bed. And I feel a sharp pain goes through my arm, sending numb all over me, from my head down through all my limb and feet. I'm paralyzed, that's it. My world start to spin around, faces begin to fading. My ears suddenly stop functioning. My shaky vision is being replaced by pitch black abyss. Me being drag by my own conscious. This is it, I'm dead.


"Minna, Minna. Wake up."

A voice hovering all over me, I somehow can hear it although the pitch black surrounding make me blind.

"Minna, you can survive. All of your friend will, so wake up"

That voice, I knew them. Chancellor?


My conscious begin to drag me back, the first thing I see- what I hate the most, rather than Ratman- white. I sit up on the bed, eyeing my surrounding. I don't get it, it's done? The surgery? Just then, something caught my view. A manila folder on the table beside me.In big red letters, Minna had been written across the front of it.

There were two pieces of paper inside. The first was a map of the WICKED complex, with black marker tracing several routes through the building. I quickly scanned the second: it was a letter, addressed to.. me? And signed by Chancel or Paige?! I put the map down and started to read the letter from the beginning.

Dear Minna,

It's my belief that the Trials are over. We have more than enough data to create a blueprint. My associates disagree with me on this matter, but I was able to stop this procedure and save your life. It's now our task to work with the data we already have and build a cure for the Flare. Your participation, and that of the other subjects, is no longer necessary.

You now have a great task ahead of you. When I became chancel or I realized the importance of creating a back door of sorts to this building. I placed this back door in an unused maintenance room. I'm asking you to remove yourself, your friends, and the considerable number of Immunes we've gathered. Time is of the essence, as I'm sure you're aware.. There are three paths marked on the map I've enclosed. The first shows you how to leave this building through a tunnel—once outside, you'll be able to find where the Right Arm has made their own entrance to another building. There, you can join them. The second route will show you how to get to the Immunes. The third shows you how to find the back door. It's a Flat Trans that will transport you to what I hope will be a new life. Take them all and leave. And one more thing, your friend- is waiting for you at the back door

Ava Paige, Chancellor

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