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Hmm, I'm thinking...

What if I mix all the final candidates blood, what will happen? I f Thomas's can slow the Flare, what three immune blood cell can do? I start mixing the blood with  Minho's and the third inmune person- that i hardly know. I pour it into a hypodermic needle and stare it under the light. After the mixing stuff, it turn into dark yellow. Well, I didn't test it yet. I was about to when suddenly, someones voice said;

"Minna...they're com...coming.. Get in the glass!" Aris's voice beam through the speaker- but it's unclear. I push some button on the computer screen and all the substances I've used is gone. It clean all the beaker and method, white clean. I still didn't test the cure, but never mind, I'll do it later. I put the needle in my watch, Aris give it to me, it have a perfect small place in it that I can put the needle in. Thanks the needle anyway, it can be bend to make it shorter. I close the watch and step to the glass, but I'm froze... when Rat man burst into the lab. A few men guard around me.

"Minna, give me what you've done!"


Without thinking further, I grab a needle near me and inject it through my arm. I'd forget all of these, what I've done...but I'll remember it someday... cause I just inject myself with the same thing WICKED would inject into someone before they go into the maze. To erase their memory a little.

"You bitch!"

Rat man did curse some more, but I'm way past in the dark to hear it.....


I'm in the dark...but I still can hear out people saying around me.

"She's not remembering. Usually the subjects will , cause they try so hard to think. She's the opposite, she didn't want to remember what she've done that night."

"We need to make her remember, we need to know what she had done. You know how highly intelligent she is." I can point out who said that... Rat man!

"Yes, sir."

"What about our latest news to her?"

"Yes, we've mix her DNA perfectly with the wolf DNA. That will remain forever in her."

"Great, we'll see how she react then. This trial is the toughest."

"I thought Subject A7 get the toughest."

"Get him self searching for Minna in the dark? Nah, that's like nothing. But we've regain much more brain pattern. What wolf side will she get?"

"Fangs, tail and wolf ears. Also the aggressive of it. We'll use it on the other subjects right?"

"Just right"


I bang on the glass and claw it over with my sharp nail. I snarl and growl to Rat man that stand there,smiling.

"What have you done to me?!"

I continue to claw over the glass, my claw leave a mark on the glass everytime I scratch it.

"Turn you into a complete monster. This is your trial, we want to see how you react to this. And maybe...use it for Subject A7"

I band my right hand to the glass and it crack a little, showing how hard I hi it.

"Don't you dare say that to him. I swear, if I get my crap out of here, I'll make sure I rip out your heart from it's vein!"

"Try it, how scared I am"

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