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My vision become clear once more,but my head feels heavy.Like a thousand needles attacking my brain all at once.I try to hold the pain and sit up,only to find myself in a poor constructed room.I saw the others also lay down,eyes close.My memory suddenly wash over me,i remember escaping from the maze,Lila kill Ema,the youngest glader in the glade,i feel guilty watching her bleed to death in my hand.Then,i remember being drag into a berg with this man saying that it's all gonna change.What gonna change?

Then i remember more,we arrive in Wicked headquarters in somewhere i can't remember,then...this man throw something onto my face,smoke i think..before i fall to the darkness.I have to make sure everyone is save,i have to! I drag myself to the nearest person to me,Nina.Although the pain now is getting stronger,i try to push it aside,ignoring it.I shook Nina's shoulder,slow at first,then i shook her shoulder harder.After what seem like forever,she finally awake.I couldn't hold myself from giving her my huge bear hug.

"Okay okay Minna,don't start making my cloth wet"

"I'm really worry about you shuck face!"

"Alright,i'm okay,don't you see?"

"Yeah yeah,i'm not blind"

We break our hug and hear groans everywhere.The other girls are waking!
"Where am i? What is this place?" Serena is the first to ask.

"Nowhere good shank,but everyone bloody calm yourselves" Nina offer her hand to help Serena stand up.I take a glance to everyone,they seem fine,just curious fill their head.

"Hey,what he doing here?!" I hear Fiona said and point to something at the corner of the room.A...man? What he doing here?! Here?! The man smile,an evil smile i could say.

"Greeting girls,look like you've all awake.I am A.D. Janson,please take all of this as calm as possible.I know you thought your trial on the maze is over,it is.But how,there's one ahead.The rules are simple, make your way through the scorch in 100 miles,do a little task and make it to safe heaven"

As soon as he finish,i hear mumble everywhere from the girls.
"Did you just said Scorch?!"
"100 miles? Are you shucking crazy?!"
"Task? What kind of task?!"
"What's safe heaven?"

"Okay girls,take it easy.I'm not finish yet.For your information,all of you got the Flare.Yes,that deadly thing is munching your brain as we talk.But we've done what is necessary,right now,your purpose is to reach 'safe heaven' and get the cure within 7 days.For your task,you've to eliminate to a person name Thomas in the Scorch..."

The Death TrialsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant