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Newt POV

I hear how the wave hit the shore in such a peaceful way, this is the best. I couldn't ask for better, friends, happy life, Nina. Speaking of Nina, where is she? She never late... or did she? Must be a girl...

Suddenly, my vision become dark as someone clasped it's hand onto my eyes. I touch the hand and made in contact with such flawless skin. Don't need to bother, I already know who.

"Try to guess, who am i?"

"I'm out, any clues?"

"Nah, just guess."

"Okay, but first,let me go.Cause I need to tell the world that I've been touched by an angle, a beautiful angle by that."

"Oh, that so sweet of you. But how do you know I'm beautiful when you can't see anything?"

"Well, I have an awesome creative mind ya' know? I can think of you, long blond hair, two pair of eyes that I can stare in the whole day, white tone skin and such a perfect face."

I hear the person giggle, and I'm not mistaken who it is.

"Well, Mr Creative-mind-pant, you still didn't guess who I am."

"Okay, okay now. I think you better open up..."

I said and slowly remove her hand from my eyes.

"..Cause you covering my nose "

"Oh, I'm sorry. Newt are you okay?"

I pull her from my back to sit beside me, I push her head softly so that she's leaning on my shoulder.

"It's okay, you're worth It my angle. I would do anything to protect you." By that, I kiss her cheek softly.

"Thanks ....Newtie."

We both burst into small giggle and we finish all the afternoon looking to the sea, hearing the sweetness of the wave crashing into the rock and shore.


Thomas POV

I was walking down the meadow, taking deep breath of fresh air that I miss so much, until I saw someone under a shady tree. Then, I realize who it is, Teresa! She's sitting alone? I walk to tree and flopped down beside her. She seemed tense at first, but then, she continue to lean to the tree.

"Hey, why are you alone?"

"I don't know, maybe I like to be alone."

"No one want to be alone, no one."

"Well, I'm the opposite."

"Teresa, you know you can tell me."

She nod but she still didn't said anything. I scratch my neck, this is awkward. Really awkward, but I need to tell her something.

"Teresa, I have a confession to made. I...I've been having this feeling for quite a time. And I can't seem to hold it anymore."


"To be honest, I ...like... you"

Slence, only silence that roam the air, oh what have I done?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Tom, I also want to be honest then, I ..like you...too."

I stare down into her eyes, full with sincere I 've never seen in her. So, she's telling the truth. So she....like me!


"Yeah. In fact. that was what bothering me earlier. I like you Tom, since the day we pair up for WICKED. But that name is long forgotten in my head, I don't want to repeat the same mistake."

I grab her hand and gaze into her eyes, a flash of regret appear in those blue eyes I know.

"So let start a new one, new life, together. How's that sound?"

"It sound great Tom, thanks."

By that, I cant hold myself from lean closer and connect our lips. And she returned it gladly.


Minho POV

I was looking for Minna but I can't seem to found here anyway. But still, there is one place left. I hurried myself over the only cliff there that face the ocean. And there sit, the leader of Group B. I walk to her in such a relived;

"Hey there, can I sit?"

"Hey there too. Oh sure. You come just in time for the sun to set." She pointed the sun that had almost dipped below the horizon, which appeared to be glowing with flames. It was one of the most amazing sights I'd ever witnessed. I sit myself beside her and wrapped my arm around her torso.

"That's the second most beautiful thing I've ever see." I can sense Minna glance to me.

"What's the first?"

I glance to her and smirk; "You."

She broke into a wide grin and lean herself onto mine.

"Minho, sorry if I'm not perfect." She claimed all of a sudden, sadness rise in it.

She had told me and the others everything, not even trying to hide a single thing. That she's immune and she had known it a long time, how her third trial is which I felt like punching Janson right then, and what WICKED had done to her, mix her DNA u with wolf. I mean, come on.. wolf? That pure evil! But still, I told her how I love her because of her inside, not outside.

"Minna, we've talked about this, I love you the way you are, not what that shuck-faces had done. Okay?"


Then I did the only thing I could think of. I reached out and took Minna's hand.She squeezed mine in response. "There are over two hundred of us and we're all immune. It'll be a good start. Besides, Chancellor send us to a city. Not so fancy but we'll make through it."

"Yeah, we'll make through it, together.

I then leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. I put it all out of my mind and pulled her closer as the last wink of the sun's light vanished below the horizon.

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