Chapter 3

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 The first thing we found out from the thankfully unlocked iPhone was that we were in Florida. Next, we found our lab. It was a Medical Lab in some University, but it was the closest we could find. We sneaked out of the hospital and began our adventure.

 We walked across multiple streets, not bothering to look to our sides before each one to check if cars were driving. We were too caught up in thought of what was happening. The air tasted like old blueberries as we finally arrived at the entrance to the university.

 The floor was an old white tile. It looked like an average university. It had a bronze statue of it's founder, seemingly staring into my soul. I shuddered and moved on. 18 to 26 year olds walked down the halls, in their own conversations. Some were reviewing notes, and one particular Asian girl was on the floor crying. I didn't really know why, but it still saddened me to see her upset like that.

 We finally located the class. Peering through the door's small window we found a 30-something year old professor typing into his private laptop. We barged in, a little bit too loud, because the man nearly fell out of his chair. We fast-walked over to him and began speaking.

    "Um, hi!" I broke the ice.

    "Hi, who exactly are you?" The teacher responded politely, fixing his glasses.

    "Yeah, um, well uh, can you, uh, analyze this?" Elian mumbled and gestured towards the needle in his hand. (He really sucked, but to be fair, I practiced what I was going to say, I'm pretty sure he didn't.)

 The teacher raised his eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

    "What he's trying to say is, our dad found this in his garage and he's wondering what it is. So we came here!"

 The teacher looked at us both. "You two are brothers? You don't look like siblings."

 Like idiots, we both said at the same time: "He's adopted."

 The teacher raised his eyebrows even further.

    "We're uh, both adopted." I said, looking at the ground.

    "Right." He almost whispered. "Listen, uh, I don't really have a huge lunch break, so-"

    "This is really important." I begged.

    "I can't just figure out what it is with some magic machine. There's a process."

    "We can wait." I protested. "I mean, how long does it take?"

    "It'll take at least fifteen minutes, and my class will be back in five."

    "Then hurry it up!!!" I yelled. "Can't you just give it a try???!!!"

    "You can not speak that way to me, young man!"

    "Well I'm getting pretty tired of hearing 'no no no', so you either analyze this, or we're out!!!"

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