Chapter 28

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 I closed my eyes and used my ability to look throughout the whole room. At first, I saw nothing I could use to break through the door. Then I looked through the pipe system under the room I stood in. Pipes. Maybe pipes could be an option. Hey, I broke through a wall with bed legs before, right?

 But the only pipe I was able to get my hands on was the one under the sink, which unlike the one in the cabin I was handcuffed to, did not have a speck of rust on it. Only shiny steel, which shot back at me the reflection of the anxious expression on my face, only a bit distorted at my cheeks, stretching out their length.

 I slammed my fist against the pipe, but there was no use. Unless...

 I kicked the pipe as hard as I could, only for the incredible pain rippling through my body to remind me my shoes were taken off. I staggered back, wincing, holding in my shrieks.

 I just purposely smashed my bare toes against a steel pipe as hard as I could, I thought. If there was any more proof needed that I do stupid things under pressure, there it was. I sat down, holding my now purple, bulging toes in my hand.

 I breathed in and out silently. I needed to calm down. Think. I needed to-

 I began to throw random things I found in open cabinets at the pipe. Boxes of band-aids and cough medicine slapped against the metal pipe, impacting it even less than I did. I wanted to scream, but I knew that an employee of the hospital would come rushing in.

 I was being careless and stupid. There was no way to escape this room. The Ecators would find me, and that's it.

 I jumped back on the bed and closed my eyes. I had been defeated. Game over. I tried and tried, and everything I'd done has continuously lead me towards another problem. Who was I to think I was different than any of the other Orbists?

    "Hey, kid." I heard the doctor's voice.

 I sighed and opened my eyes.

    "What is it?"

    "Your uncle's here."

 I sat up. What was happening?

    "Are you going to get up or not?" The doctor said.

 I swallowed and jumped off the bed. There must have been a mistake. I walked over to the door. In front of me was an old man with a joyful expression. His bald head reflected the roof's light. His small blue eyes gazed at my gray, and he put his hand on my shoulder.

    "Cayson. Boy. Ooh, you got so old."

 I stared at him back, confused out of my mind.

    "May I speak with him outside?" He asked.

    "Alright." The doctor sighed. "You have a minute. I'll need him back. He's gotten himself into a lot of trouble. I'll have one of the officers patrol you two."

    "That won't be necessary." The old man responded, not batting an eye. "I'll bring him back without hesitation. I'd just like a moment of privacy with him."

 The doctor looked at my uncle, then to me, then back at my uncle.

    "Scratch a minute. I want you back in 30 seconds."

 We walked out into the hallway silently. The second we left, I began to speak.

    "'re my uncle?"

 My uncle didn't reply. He simply looked around, as if he was waiting for something.

    "Do you know why I'm here?"

    "Come on," He grabbed my hand. "we have to go now."

 He abruptly ran towards the staircase, and descended down, me racing behind him. The doctor's yell echoed down the stairs. We finally arrived at the first floor where three officers were politely waiting for us. They ran towards us with force but my uncle tugged at me like a teddy bear, flinging my bony body to dodge the officers' hits. When we made it to the entrance we zoomed towards the right of the building. Why did everything have to happen like this? Then he turned and began running again. This was exactly how I previously tried to escape the authorities. And that didn't work too well.

    "What are you doing?!" I yelled.

    "Quiet and run!"

 I knew he meant "Be quiet and run!", but I decided it wasn't the best time to be correcting him. There was a cab awaiting us at the end of the road. He shoved me into it, and I soon discovered it was full.

    "Uncle, what are you-"

 A hand from behind me threw a small stack of one hundred dollar bills at my uncle. He caught it, and smiled.

    "I'm not your uncle."


 I turned around, only to discover a familiar group of faces.

    "Go!" Ralph yelled at the driver, and faced me. "How's it been, Cayson?"

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