Chapter 14

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 The day continued. After the library visit for a few hours, we came to the game room, which was the door we passed earlier. There was board games, and a foosball table. Teo sighed, as did I, seeing everyone beat us to it. There was nothing left but to sit down on the carpet.

 After hours of that, it was dinner time, and we all went back to the cafeteria, and got our servings,

    " lunch?"

    "Nope. Just breakfast and dinner."

 I looked down at the sad mash potatoes which sat in front of me. I felt strange, a mixture of all emotions possible.

    "I had friends." I blurted out.

 Teo turned his gaze from his dinner to me.


    "Ralph. He was tall, like 6'2. Was the leader of the group. He was 17. Bryan. Some skinny know-it-all who's really not that smart even though he didn't know it. He was 16. Barry. Oh, Barry. He was a jolly, innocent, chubby guy. He was my age. Levi. An independent girl who talked when she wanted to. She was 14. Elian. He smelled like cinnamon. He did what I told, and he kind of looked up to me. My age. They were all...they were all kids. And they all helped me get on my feet, and now they're gone." I banged the table with my fist, leaving my hand vibrating with pain.

    "Hey there, man." He looked at me with concern. "I told you I was waiting for a roommate to get out of here. If you help me, we can both get out, and you might just see your friends again."

 I nodded back, and began to eat my meal. I only knew Teo for a day, but I had trust in him. And I needed to get out of here. After dinner, we all returned to our rooms. I learned from Teo right before lights switched off that everyone slept with their clothes on. I brushed myself off, and admittedly found myself thankful that I had new, clean and somewhat comfortable clothes. I pulled open the covers, and dropped myself on the bed. Pulling the blanket over, I was surprised to still feel the coldness of the E.O.H.C.C.

 I drifted off into sleep, but not before hearing Teo's voice.

    "Tomorrow," I heard Teo's voice. "We're doing my plan."

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