Chapter 25

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 I quickly reached a town called Lindon. I looked at the phone in my hand. I was going to put it to the little use I could have with it. My guess was that the Ecators tracked all phone calls and locations of all their employees' phones. I checked his contacts, and found "Kael." I sent that sewer rat the following text.

Well, hey there, Kael! How's it been? It's me, your friend Cayson! After I killed your little assassins, I found this! I think I'm going to make it my new phone. And I've got YOUR number on speed dial. So watch your back!

 I quickly snapped a picture of myself and added it to the text before I sent it to confirm it was me. The whole text was just a complete distraction. I didn't kill those guys, and I wouldn't be using this device as my new phone. But I needed them to think that. I turned the phone off and slapped duct tape on the screen. The duct tape with it's length however, left the two sides extended past the phones length, which was just what I needed. I used my ability to find a bus quickly. I ran over to it, and saw many people from elders to kids walk into the bus. I walked inside with them, but I didn't stay. I just stuck the phone under the back seat, then got off. I smiled as I watched the bus ride off. When that was done, and they were tracking "me" through the phone, I had some extra time to decide my next course of action. I sat down at the curb and sneaked my handcuff into my sleeve, duct-taping it to my arm so it wouldn't fall out of place.

 I needed money. Yeah, I needed money. If I expected myself to get a good amount of distance from the Ecators, I would need a bunch of Ben Franklins in my pocket. However, I had quite a problem concerning cash. I had none. And I had no way to get any. I needed to think.

 I sat down on the sidewalk and ran my fingers through my hair. What was I supposed to do? Rob a bank? Beg? I laughed at the thought of me putting on a ski mask and robbing a bank with a baseball bat. But then my laughter turned to ideas. What if...

 There was no way. Robbing a bank was practically suicide. They had guards. About everything was locked. There were doors even the guards lacked keys for. And it was immoral, taking money away from innocent citizens. But what if...

    "Shut up! Just shut up!" I hollered at myself. There were smarter ways to make money. More efficient. Less risky. I needed to think.

 I stood up. I had an idea. And, well it was immoral. Not as bad as holding up a bank, but still. I closed my eyes and analyzed everything around me. A purse, I thought. Left at a bus stop only a block away. I looked through it's layers of leather. A wallet. Filled with green. And it wasn't dang lettuce. I ran over to it, faster than ever. It was tucked behind the bench.

 Don't do what you're about to do, I told myself. I looked to my right seeing an old man sitting down. I sat next to him, the seat to my left.

    "Hey." I started.

 The old man looked at me and smiled.

    "How's it?"

    "I'm, I'm, confused. Scared a little."

 He raised his eyebrows.

    "What's bothering you?"

 What was I doing? I didn't know this man. He could be a retired cop for all I know.

    "I need to do something for me. But it's wrong."

    "You can tell me."

 I looked at him. He looked like an honest and kind man. But I wasn't going to tell him jack.

    "Are you from around here?" I asked.

    "I'm from Oregon." He replied.

    "Why'd you come so far down south?"

 He looked off into the sky.

    "I was looking for adventure. I traveled all around the country, but nowhere felt like home. 'Cept here." He chuckled. "Ironic, I guess. This place is nothing like Oregon."

    "I need to steal a purse."

    "What?!" He leaned back.

 I sighed. I looked up.

    "It's right next to me, tucked behind the bench. If you want to stop me, go ahead. But don't call the police."

 He stared at me with wide eyes.


    "Are you going to stop me?"

    "I couldn't-"

    "Then I'll be on my way." I stood up and grabbed the purse. I turned and coldly stared at him. "Don't follow me."

 I had to scare this man off. I ran off with the bag in my hand.

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