Chapter 18

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 The elevator ceased movement, and the door opened. We ducked immediately, and crawled out on to the rug.

    "We're on the work room, now." He whispered. "There's a hall that leads directly from here to the exit. On it's left is the execution room, and on the right is the waiting room."

    "How on Earth do you know that when this part of the map is with Grant?"

    "I've got exceptional memory, buddy."

 The work room was basically what you'd see in a normal office. Desks with computers, and men and women working on them. Smelled like an office, too. He was right, there was a door in the northwest corner of the room, and behind it probably was the hallway leading to the exit. We just had to crawl all the way there with our uniforms on, which shouted 'Look! I am an Orbist!'. Easy peasy.

    "There is no way we can do this." I mumbled.

    "You have a gun. They don't." He mumbled back. "Just stand up with the pistol and they'll listen to you."

 He did have a point. So I stood up and started to wave my gun.

    "No one move!" I yelled, trying to sound tough. "Or I'll-"

 They all opened the drawers of their desks and each took out a Dan Wesson M1911, the gun I was holding up, and pointed at us.

 Just then, a bunch of Ecators came out behind us from the elevator, probably the ones we shot at, and pointed their guns at us.

 I looked at Teo. Teo looked at me. And we both knew there was only one thing to do.

 I began shooting my gun randomly, and everyone else began firing as well. I felt a bullet pierce my hip, and immediately started running around, throwing things we found on desks, while trying our best to dodge bullets, and trying to function with the loudness of the shots ringing in our ears.

 We ducked behind an empty desk, and shots started to slow down, since they probably were getting low on ammo, like I did.

    "Are you okay?" I asked Teo.

    "They have about the same amount of accuracy with their guns as storm troopers." He shouted back. "I'm okay, how about you?"

    "I got shot in the hip." I responded. "And it really frickin' hurts."

    "Listen man!" Teo stared at me. "We will get out of here. Are you with me?"

    "Yeah." I looked back at him. "I'm with you."

    "We have to make a run for it through the hall." He nodded towards the door. "In 3, 2, now!"

 We both ran like horses and pulled the door open with what strength we had left. The exit was only yards away.

    "Go!" Teo yelled. "We're going to-"

 He stopped moving. I turned around, and saw him fall to the ground, blood soaking the back of his shirt. He looked at me, and I saw fright in his eyes. I looked up and saw a man in the suit a few feet behind him, a gun in his hands.

    "Please, no!" Teo sobbed, in a croaky voice I never knew he was capable of making. "I want to live. I want to be a p-paleontolo-"

 The man kneeled down and held his neck in a tight grip, and swiftly snapped it. Teo made a horrible sound from his throat, then went completely limp. The man looked up at me and grinned.

 I turned around and continued to run. I ran from the building. My mind was blank. I felt no emotions. I just felt the need to survive.

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