Chapter 33

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 We ran until we were no longer near the library. After passing several establishments, we found ourselves behind an over-graffitied tattoo parlor. Barry did not have a fun time running, being quite the chubster. The food-lover. The jelly-belly. The- you want me to stop? I'll stop.

 Leaning on the graffitied wall of the parlor, I shoved my hand in my pocket, pulling out the librarian's photo. That was it? Oh no. Oh no. Elian looked at me, and my face told the whole story.

    "Please don't tell me you dropped the letter." He grimaced.

    "I dropped the letter." I coughed out.

 Barry let out a whine and wiped his forehead.

    "We're going to have to retrace our steps." I affirmed lamentably.

Chapter 33.5

    "That was kind of a jerk move, Ralph." Levi stated, walking down the sidewalk with the two boys to her right.

    "What's the point of telekinesis if you're never going to levitate an envelope out of a traitor's back pocket?" Ralph replied rather smugly. "Let's read this thing."

 He ripped the envelope open, unfolded the letter, and began to read.

I think we've both had enough of these flimsy letters and unnecessary deaths.

I feel it's time to finally meet face to face, don't you think so, Cayson?

11301 Financial Centre Parkway, Little Rock. Tomorrow at 12:AM.

Make my job a little easier and bring your pals.

Bring some soda, too. Our talk may be long.

    "I don't get it, Ralph." Bryan said. "I thought you didn't want to pay attention to his letters anymore."

    "That was all you." He informed. "I want to catch Mr. Mac with all my heart. And I can't do that when Cayson is with us. Good kid, but he doesn't follow orders very well. I don't care if I seem cold-blooded to you right now. I'm going to make absolutely sure that Mr. Mac won't take another breath after 12:01 Wednesday. Not for even a second."

Chapter 33.75

    "Do you guys see anything?" I asked, dead tired. Sweat drenched my hospital shirt from Tennessee. We were going back and back, and still no letter.

    "Naw." Elian replied, as exhausted as I was.

    "I can't believe I thought it would be a good idea to come with you guys." Barry continued to whine. "How could you have dropped it?"

    "I'm not perfect, Barry." I retorted.

   "If only we took a peek of the letter before we ran off." Elian said.

 I looked at him blankly. Then it hit me.

    "Dude, you're a genius! I did take a peek of the letter! In the library!"

 They both looked up with enthusiasm.

    "Can you remember what you saw?"

 I closed my eyes, trying to recall anything. Cayson...tomorrow....12:AM....

    "Tomorrow. At 12:AM. We need to be somewhere."

    "But where?" Barry asked.

 I closed my eyes again. I needed to remember an address. 11301.....11301...uh....

    "11301. That's all I can remember." I admitted. "There's only one thing that we could use to find the specific address we need to go to."

    "Your super power?" Elian smiled, holding his hand up for a high-five. I let out a laugh.

    "No way. I'm way too tired to look through a whole city. I was thinking we could use Google Street View."

 Everyone was quiet, waiting for my next piece of information.

    "Which means we need to get back to that library."

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