Chapter 17

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 After dinner, we were sent to our rooms, and Teo and I immediately got to work. First we snapped one of the wooden legs off each of our beds. We had no way of checking the time, we just needed patience. And when you're waiting, six hours pass incredibly slow. We decided to take turns sleeping, and I slept first, with my bed leg under the blanket with me. Then we continued to switch until finally it began.

 We heard a bit of rumbling, and a few whispers.

    "Teo, wake up." I whispered. "They're switching."

 He quickly got out of bed, and we both turned to the wall, and began smashing it with the legs. Teo was right, whatever that guard did made the wall incredibly light, light enough for two kids to smash right through it. No one out in the hall heard it, which surprised me. Soon we made a small hole that both of us were able to squeeze through.

    "This," Teo grinned, obviously excited, "is the Lounge."

 I looked around. There were cabinets, computers, loads of stuff. There was one guard, but being far away and on his computer which faced the opposite direction, didn't see us.

    "Start looking." Teo whispered, and I did.

 I swiftly turned my head to see the whole place. Then I slowly raised my right arm and pointed at the cabinet in front of me.

    "It's in here." I insisted.

 Teo looked at me confusingly, and walked over to the cabinet. He opened it, and carefully took out a key.

    "Woah." He whispered. He turned to me. "How'd you do that?"

    "I don't know." I wondered, "I just...saw it."

    "Well, it gives us a headstart. C'mon!"

 We quietly crawled back into our room. I grabbed the bed's leg, and turned to him.

    "You ready?"

    "I think so."

 I turned back.

    "Then let's do this."

 We barged through our door yelling. I, as fast as possible, turned around, and smacked my guard with the bed leg straight on the forehead. He fell in pain. We ran rapidly towards the door and opened it on the first try.

    "Get those kids!" We heard a man yell.

 We quickly slipped out and shut the door behind us, and locked it.

    "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Teo shouted and we ran to the stairs. Since the guards most likely alerted others through walkie-talkie, we waited until the first person came running down, smacked his head with the leg, and took his gun.

    "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" Teo yelled. I held the gun in front of me and shot up the stairs, hoping I didn't hit anyone. We heard lots of yells, and gunshots were returned. Teo and I quickly hopped out of the way, and watched bullets bounce off the floor.

    "Elevator, now!" Teo whispered to me, and we both sped across the floor to the elevator, and started jamming the buttons. Luckily for us, the doors opened immediately. We walked in, and I pressed the 1st floor button a million times before the doors closed. The grunts still probably thought we were still at the bottom of the staircase, with all the shots happening, which bought us only a bit of time. The elevator slowly ascended, and Teo turned to me.

    "The easy part of the plan is done." He declared. "Time for things to get tricky."

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