Chapter 5

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 Considering the fact that a whole organization was trying to kill us, we decided to go along with the experts. We followed the two into a forest, and after that their was a lot more walking. My feet began to hurt, and I saw at least 2 iguanas. Just doing whatever iguanas do. What do iguanas do? Do they know what they are, or do they think they're like, lions, and the bugs in their eyes, are like, iguanas? I continued to think about this important information.

 After a while we began approaching a steep road with cars zooming east. A few meters or so before this road was where Barry and Ralph suddenly stopped walking, so Elian and I ceased movement as well.

 Ralph looked down at a certain wide patch of grass, and pulled one of the weeds up. As he did this, the whole patch rose to reveal an underground entrance, with flimsy stairs deescalating down.

    "You two did this yourself?" Elian asked in shock.

    "Oh, we have friends." Ralph replied. "Come on down."

 We all carefully walked down the stairs, first Ralph, then Barry, then your's truly and then Elian. Immediately are eyes flew to two other kids. A girl about 14 (so maybe a year younger than I) with red long hair and a plain blue T-shirt. Then some nerdy-looking scrawny dude who looked older than me but younger than Ralph, so probably 16.

    "Elian and Cayson, Levi and Bryan. Levi and Bryan, Elian and Cayson. " Ralph introduced.

    "Okay, why does everyone look older and younger than each other?" I wondered aloud.

    "All Orbists spawn at a different age." Bryan shook my hand. "Bryan, nice to meet you."

    "Yeah. " Barry smiled. "I'm 15. Ralph's 17. Levi is 14 and Bryan is 16. You two look 15."

 Yeah, all my guesses were right. I'm just that good.

    "Chill, everyone. Everyone sit down, please." Ralph ordered.

 There were little couches and wooden chairs. Everyone took all the couches, so I got a wooden chair. Ralph stood in front of all of us.

    "Now we've got some serious things to talk about." Ralph began. "We made this little hide-out to escape the Ecator's sight. But they're producing new technology. Technology that could differentiate our species from the average human, and that's our twisted blood." He turned to me, then Elian. "You two probably haven't seen any of them. "

    "Actually, we have." Elian replied. "Three of them at the hospital. One looked like he was leading them. I think his name was like Kael. They didn't see us"

    "Kael? Wow." Ralph frowned. "He's the only one in the organization that has prime connections to Mr. Mac. Wait! This is good. If they're taking out big guns like him, they have to be under pressure. If we hide long enough the organization might break down!"

  Barry and Bryan high-five. Levi looked at them and rolled her eyes.

    "Is it just me, or am I the only one dying to know the different powers you two have?" Elian stated to Levi and Bryan.

 Bryan smiled. "Well, uh. I can do this."

 I watched as he began to bend his finger in impossible formations. Elian and I stared in fascination.

    "You could flex your finger?"

    "I can flex any part of my body in weird formations. I'm super flexible, see? I'm basically a super-contortionist!"

    "Okay, shut up." Levi muttered. "This is my power."

 She stood up and suddenly her skin's color transformed into a bluish, greenish color.

    "I could change my body's color anyway I want. I usually use it for camouflage and stuff."

    "Okay, that's quite enough." Ralph stood. "These two have had a big day. Lets all rest." He nodded towards us.

    "But I still have questions!" I complained.

   "I know you do, but powerful as an Orbist may be, we still need rest. So go to sleep, and tomorrow you can be Curious George."

 Barry giggled.

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