Chapter 23

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 Days and days passed. And the man wouldn't listen to me.

    "I just remembered that my house is like a block away-"                                   "No."

    "I'm kind of wanted by the FBI, so-"                                                                             "No."

    "Hey, I thought I saw a funny picture on that key to these handcuffs-"        "Quit trying."

 No matter how hard I begged, the guy was convinced I was loco. I almost considered telling him the truth, but then I realized that would just make me look more crazy.

 I slowly took out a spoonful of rice from my bowl and put it in my mouth. I swallowed it down, upset that I couldn't be taken seriously by the man. How long had it been since I first stepped in this cabin? Two weeks?

 I heard a loud knock from the door from the first floor. I used my extended vision to see who was outside the cabin. I gasped as I saw who it was.

 Two men in black suits. Black suits all too familiar.

    "Oh crap." I whispered.

 How did they know I was here? The tracking liquid faded, didn't it? It had to, otherwise they would have caught me a long time ago. So how did they locate me? How?

 I continued using my ability and watched as the man opened the door, and caught sight of the two men.

    "Hello, Mr. Garty. Is this a good time?" One of the men said.

 At least I knew his name now.

    "How did you find me?" Mr. Garty barked. "This cabin is off the grid."

    "Not on our grid." The other man grinned. "I'm Agent Trent and my associate here is Agent Hassly."

 I doubted that those were there real names.

    "I want credentials!" He made known.

 Agent Trent and Hassly" showed their identifications, which I knew were fake.

    "We're looking for a boy." Agent Trent implied. "Fifteen years old. Brown hair. Grey eyes."

 That was all it took. I needed to get out of there. I poured out my rice and hit the floor with my bowl, which immediately shattered. I took the largest piece of the bowl close to me, and began cutting through the rusty pipe I was handcuffed to.

    "Why's this boy so important?" Mr. Garty asked.

    "He's what you would call crazy, Mr. Garty." Agent Hassly replied. "And as of now, he's highly dangerous."

 That's a lie, I wanted to yell. But I kept cutting. The bowl piece was cutting deeper through the rusty pipe faster than I thought it would.

    "We can help him." Agent Trent smiled. "So if he is in these premises, you must tell us."

 Mr. Garty's lips began to tremble. He was going to give me away.

 Snap! The pipe broke into two. I slid the half of my cuffs off the pipe and stood up. I began pulling on the locked drawer, in hopes of pulling it open. I needed the tools.

    "I'm sorry," Mr. Garty's gaze shifted down. "but the boy you're looking for is not here."

 Yes, I thought. Mr. Garty saw these people were bad!

    "You see that, Trent?" Agent Hassly grinned.

    "I sure do." Agent Trent smirked. "He's trembling. Worried about something, Mr. Garty?"

 The drawer wouldn't budge. I looked around and saw a rake in the corner of the room. I scurried over  and grasped it.

 Mr. Garty quickly grabbed his axe. The agents' grins only widened.

    "Something wrong?" Agent Trent stepped forward.

    "Step back!" Mr. Garty yelled.

    "This could all be resolved if you tell us where the boy is." Agent Hassly insisted.

    "I'll call the police." Mr. Garty mumbled.

    "We are the police, Mr. Garty." Agent Hassly stepped forward also.

    "No you're not." Mr. Garty murmured. "That's a fake badge, I know that."

 I slowly climbed up the stairs with the rake, not knowing what I was going to do next. Both of these Ecators had guns.

    "Smart man." Agent Trent grinned. He quickly pulled out his gun, and pointed it at Mr. Garty. "Put down the ax."

 Mr. Garty hands trembling, slowly bent down with the axe. He released his fingers nearly dropping the axe, until the handle was only at his tips.

    "What's the holdup?" Agent Trent exclaimed. "I don't want to have a beard by the time you-"

 Mr. Garty quickly hit Trent's ankle with the butt of his ax, making him trip and fall backwards. Hassly pulled out his gun and shot Mr. Garty in the chest. Mr. Garty spat out blood as he slammed the blade of his ax into Hassly's stomach, leaving him and his gun on the floor. Then he rapidly grabbed Hassly's gun, and shot Trent through the bottom of his chin.

 The events happened so fast I had to do a double take. I dropped my rake, pushed open the door, lifting the carpet, and ran out to Mr. Garty. Blood soaked his shirt.

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