Chapter 8

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 Blam! We all woke up to the sound of our door being stomped on. Everyone was frightened and looked at Ralph for support. Ralph put his finger over his mouth, which meant to be silent. He cautiously walked over to the cabinet and opened the second drawer. He took out a revolver with 5 bullets and closed it.

    "I thought you had no guns." I whispered.

 He swerved his head at me and angrily put his finger over his mouth. I stepped back.

 Holding the revolver in his hand, he looked at us and mouthed hide.

 We all obliged, ducking behind the couches and going in closets.

 Ralph put his ear to the door. Then it was pulled open.

    "Get out!" We all heard a man yell. Then we saw Ralph get pulled out. We all gasped, but continued to listen in fright.

    "Aw, you got a gun! That's real cute. Give me that you little-"

 We then heard smacking and grunts, and another man's laughter. Then we heard Ralph huff out in pain.

 That was when I had enough. I jumped over the couch and rapidly climbed up, and saw two men in black suits over Ralph, who was sprawled on the ground without his gun.

    "Hey!" I shouted and lunged towards the first man hitting him hard in the abdominal area. The man yelped in pain. However the second guy grabbed me by the neck and flipped me on my back next to Ralph. He then spit on my face, and kicked me on my bad hip. I howled in pain, and numbly turned my face to Ralph. His teeth were red with blood, and his pupils were rolled back so all you could see was white.

    "No one's gonna hear you!" The first man yelled. "Just like no one's gonna hear me put a bullet in your skull!" He shoved the revolver in my face.

    "You two the only little monsters here or are there others, huh?" He asked, then looked at the second man. "Hey Charles, go down there and check."

 Then second man jumped in, and we all heard an awful scream.

    "What the-"

 I kicked the first man in the stomach as hard as I could and watched him topple over in pain. I grabbed back the gun and pointed it at him shakily.

 Everyone walked out, looking as awful as I was..

    "What happened?" Ralph stood up, shaking with pain.

    "I stabbed him when he jumped down." Elian blurted out. "Someone said check if there was anyone else and I got scared and I took the knife and-"

    "Its okay. It was self defense. Its okay. You saved the group." Ralph put his hand on Elian's shoulder. "Is he dead?"

 Tears streaming, Elian shook his head.

    "Its okay. Its okay."

    "What do we do with him?" I mumbled and nodded toward the man on the ground muttering. "He's in a lot of pain."

    "I-I don't know. Sometimes I hate being the leader." Ralph shivered. "Knock him out. That seems like the best option right now."

 The man looked at me, frightened with wide eyes.

    "Aw, shut up." I grunted. "You just tried to kill me."

 I flipped the gun around and hit him in the face with the butt. He grunted and blacked out. I looked up.

    "Now what?"

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