Entry 82

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A/N sORRY it's been such a long time!

Dear diary:
Today was the kickoff at the fablympics! SO FAB, SO VERY FAB.
The first event was of course the twerk-off.
Now before I announce the winner, let me just say that it was a fab competition. We had lee and Gai youthfully twerking (unfortunately sweat flying off your booty is not very fab), we had tsunade shaking that fabulous gigantic booty, the atwerksuki (the main competition) were simply FAB while twerking, however, the most fab of all is....

Expertly coached by his daughter, teuchi had the technique down and added his own fan style.
The secret, he says, is to pretend that you're rolling ramen noodles with your behind. Then, you slam them in the pot, and stir it.

That's so fab. Kabuto and I are going to go try that right now!

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