Entry 86

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Dear diary
In 2017, I was away for 7 months at an ex-gay Christian conversion therapy expo. Obviously, they were unable to take the uke out of my name so it didnt work.
Don't worry, I'm still super fab.
But I did convert to Christianity in order to escape.
Now you may be wondering
How am I still fucking Kabuto if I'm now a Christian? The Bible says premarital sex is wrong.
Oh. Oops. Did I forget to mention that I was butt fucking Kabuto in ALL of ny previous entries? Well I am. I'm a power bottom.
ANYWAYS. There's a loophole in the scriptures that works really well. It's called the poophole loophole and basically as long as it's in the butt, god can't see it.
Kabuto, fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus.


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