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I woke up jumping ten feet in the air. We were outside, and I was watching Michael's house burst into flames.

Michael was watching it burn down in horror. His home was burning to ash in front of his very eyes.

"Michael," Leah said. "You are going to live with me, okay?"

"Your parents," he mumbled.

"They'll be okay with it."

"How did the house burn down in the first place?," I asked still watching his house as the firemen helplessly tried to extinguish the flames.

Michael laughed. "Just a friend." His laugh was dark and deep, and his eyes turned darker as he said it. He looked angry. Like about to kill someone.

Jax whispered in my ear. "The stupid opponents in the race."

I looked and seen that they got the expensive car off onto the road so it wouldn't be burned.

"We should just go," Kacey said patting Michael's shoulder. "Go drink or something."

"Sounds great," Michael grumbled. We all got into the car and drove off to Jax's house. Courtney met us there.

"Babe," Leah said kissing Michael's nose. "It'll be okay. You'll live with me, okay?"

"I'm not upset about the house. I'm upset of why it was burned down," he said walking into the house. "Someone purposely burned my house down!!"

"Babe calm down," Leah said trying to sooth him. Jax came out of his room in basketball shorts and a wife beater.

"Michael we'll take care of it," Jax and Kacey said at once. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Girls we should take y'all home it's late," Kacey said.

"No they can stay in my room," I said. "Its been a long day, they can't drive home."

"Okay," Michael said helping Leah up to my room. She looked tired, upset.

"Yeah," Courtney said following them up to my room. Kacey was so angry he didn't even move.

"Avery, Kacey and I are going to be back, okay? We need to do something," Jax said standing up. He pecked my lips and walked out with Kacey.

"Okay," I sighed sitting down on the couch. Five long minutes later Michael came down the stairs and sat beside me.

"Where'd they go?," he asked.

"I don't know they said they had to do something. Nothing specific was said."

"I see."

Michael was wearing basketball shorts and a compression shirt. Leah loved when he wore compression shirts.

"Avery you have to win that race, alright? If we all win in our divisions we're done with this," he sighed.

"I haven't even started practicing yet Michael," I say as I feel tears sting my eyes.

"I know I know," he said wiping my tears. "But just give it your all."

"Of course."

He nodded and kissed my forehead before grabbing my hand and helping me up. "I'm gonna help you get to your bed."

I nodded and yawned as I walked with him to my room.

"Leah and Courtney were taking up my entire bed, so I groaned and walked to Jax's room. His room smelt like his cologne. I thought I was going to melt.

"You going to be okay?," Michael asked me standing in the doorway.

"I'll be fine," I said as I take off my T-shirt and pants and lay in my tank top and panties.

Michael cleared his throat and nodded. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I nodded and lied down on Jax's comfortable bed.

About an hour later I heard his door open. "Aves you awake?," he asked.

"I am now," I grumbled.

"Can you help me?," he asked turning on the light.

"With?," I asked sitting up..

"My hands," he said softly. I looked to them and saw the purple and blue all around his knuckles, along with blood.

"Oh Jax," I said with worry. "What did you do?"

"Don't worry about it. Just help me."

I nodded and walked to the bathroom. He followed. I got a damp cloth and dabbed his cuts. I put one of those wraps on each of his hands. Then I went to the freezer in the kitchen and got two ice packs. I came back and he was already laying on his bed. I sat the ice packs on the bed side table and helped him take off his shoes, his shirt, socks, and his pants.

"This is a real turn on Avery," he joked. I rolled my eyes and placed the ice packs on his knuckles.

"So where did you go?," I asked.

"I went to take care of the problem," he said with distant eyes. He looked angry still.

"Did you kill anyone?," I whispered closing my eyes.

"No I didn't kill anyone," Jax sighed. "But I should have."

I nodded and turned off the lights, and shut the door.

"Jax I'm going to win that race."

"Avery we all have to win."

"It'll happen. I swear it on my life."


Here's chapter eight for y'all. Thanks for reading. Vote, comment, and follow me if y'all want. Byee

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