Chapter One

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When I came to New York for training I was expecting a huge field with some huge building besides it, with fighting dummies and obstacle courses.

What I was not expecting was to be in a boarding school like in Zoey 101.

When we got there, I was amazed by the size of the building. It was like the size of a college but like Harvard size. Possibly bigger. The place we drove to was in a secluded place so almost like a campus. But you could easily find your way back to the streets of the city in a easy drive of five minutes and a walk of ten to fifteen minutes.

There was a gate and a guard that welcomed us. Without a word, the gate opened and thus my life at the Aces Campus began.

I stood in the car while Alex and Jeremiah got out to take out the bags from the trunk. I looked around, taking notice of my surroundings. The road soon turned into a fork, which we stopped at. But you saw it all connected again at the entrance of the huge building.

To my left was what seemed to be a park and a dining area, along with food trucks. To my right was another building, about half the size of the huge building.

"I thought I came here for training." I told Dayton.

"You did." He told me.

"Umm...this looks like a school." I said. I mean to be honest I was out of school for obvious reasons. Basically saving the world, but of course the story told to the school was I've gotten really sick and ended up in the hospital.

"Cause it is. We're training you pysically and mentally. Until you reach 16, you can't really be surrounded by just humans. If not, the change could reverse and you could possibly die."

My eyes must've bulged out of my skull cause he started to chuckle. He touched my hand.

"But being who you are I don't think that's possible. Not taking any chances though."

I nodded and continued to look around. I heard a bell ring, and students who had to be my age or older, were exiting the building. Some went to the food trucks and others went to that smaller building. I got out the car and went to see what was up with Alex and Jeremiah. They were talking with the guard at the gate, something about some new policy the school had.

I leaned on the door of the car, watching the people past by me. With my eyes, you could tell they were whispering. With my super hearing, you could hear they were whispering about me.

"Is that her?"

"Is this the one the prophecies talked about?"

"Yo check her out. She pretty cute."

I had to laugh at the last one.

Dayton said that you had to stay here until you're 16 in case the change reverse. But some of these people look to be 18.

"Looking around huh?" Alex asked, joining me.

"Just observing. Dayton told me you at 16 you leave this place. Some of these people look 18."

"Well yeah. This doesn't go by age like a regular school. It depends on when the change comes. Usually comes around when you're 14. You're given a four year period in case your body rejects the changes the change does to you."

"And you die." I said bluntly. He didn't say anything, but I could tell the topic wasn't easy for him.

"Alright guys. Let's get Kaiya to her room." I heard Jeremiah say from the back of the car. I grabbed one of my luggage while Alex took the other two. Dayton carried my carrier bag, while Jeremiah carried the other. Yeah. I brought a lot of clothes.

We entered the building through the front entrance. The halls were quiet but you could hear shuffling in the rooms which meant class started already. We went straight down the hall and turned to our right, where there was double doors.

We went through them and there was a staircase. The sign on the stairs said "Girls' Dorm " and we went up two flight of stairs.

"No elevator?" I asked finally reaching the dorms.

"Ya know for someone who just saved the world you're kind of lazy." Dayton said laughing. I stuck my tongue at him and managed to stick up the middle finger without Jeremiah noticing.

We walked down the hall and reached room 307.

"Here's ya dorm. Everyone else is in class so your roommates aren't here, so just put your stuff in. Your room is up the stairs, next to Adina's."

Wait. Upstairs?

"Upstairs? You're telling me the rooms are two floors?"

"Yup. Living room, kitchen, and bathroom on the lower level. Rooms on the top." Alex said.

Woah. This is like ... college. I shook my head and entered the room. Jeremiah told he will meet me on the first floor near the front entrance, and disappeared along with Alex and Dayton.

I closed the door behind me and looked around the room. Kitchen was towards the back and the living room was as soon as I entered the dorm. There was a huge flat screen TV with a black leather sofa. The room was a navy blue color, the kitchen a beige color. This school had style.

I picked up all my bags and went up the stairs, struggling but not caring because I was not gonna do a double trip. There was three doors. Adina's was on my left. I knew because well it said Adina. I opened the door next to it and there was an empty room. It was pretty big, not bigger than my room back home of course. It was red and black, my favorite colors. Like someone prepared this room for me. The closet was to my left, and there was a window near my bed. So I was facing the front of the school. To my right, was a door and it was my own bathroom.

My phone started to ring. I saw it was Alex.

"Yeah what's up?" I answered.

"You're done?"

"Yeah. Main office right?" I asked.

"You got it. See you in a few."

I hanged up and left my awesome dorm room. I went down the stairs retracing my steps. The bell rang as soon as I left the double doors. People zoomed past me, and soon the whispers started. It came to the point where people got of my way and a path was made for me.

It looked like it took centuries to finally get to the entrance but I did.

"I see you're already making an impact." Alex snickered at me.

I sighed.

"Let's just get this over with."

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