Chapter Five

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The bell rang again for sixth period to start. I groaned softly, not wanting to wake from my nap. It felt so good for my eyes to be closed and not think about anything. The door opened and a lady about five feet came in. Her gray hair was put in a high bun, outlining her round face more. She wore a suit, and made it look good. I mean you would think because it was art you wouldn't want to wear such a expensive looking suit but what I'm worrying about?

"Kaiya Perez to the front of the room." She said with authority. I mentally rolled my eyes. Having to say the same thing over and over again was getting annoying.

"Don't worry Kaiya the day is almost over." She said smirking at me. My eyes widened for a brief moment, and I sighed. Mind reader I see. I got to the front and she nodded so I could introduce myself. I said my name, where I was from, and my favorite thing to do. I was gonna sit back down, until I heard whispers obviously about me. I raised my eyebrow, but decided not to say anything. Again. Not trying to get suspended.

"Didn't you kill your dad?!" Someone shouted at me. There was a few snickers, and I stopped in my tracks. I gritted my teeth, and my hands balled into a fist. I breathed in slowly, controlling my anger and trying to bring my irritability to a low level.

"Talk about daddy issues."

I turned my head around, and was staring right at Alondra. She smiled at me, and faced the front of the room, looking at the teacher. I noticed everything around me was going slow except Alondra and I.

Did ... Did she just slow down time?

I looked at the clock and the second hand was moving at a snail's pace.

Then a second, or a minute, or whatever passed, everything was back to speed.

"Watch what you say young lady!" The teacher said to Alondra. She didn't respond and proceeded to take out her art book. I went back to my seat, baffled. What was the point of that? To show that she had similar powers to mine? To show that she was superior? Whatever the reason, I didn't like her, and she most definitely didn't like me. Was it because of jealousy? I mean if you have almost all the powers of a Chosen One I don't see anything to complain about.

"Well Kaiya, please excuse that comment. I'm Mrs. Aero." I didn't say anything but nod, wanting to get on with this class already.

"In this class we learn to draw with our very own minds. It may seem easy, but it takes concentration and patience."

She handed us large pieces of paper, and while everyone started to draw with pencils without using their hands, Ms. Aero was near me, guiding me.

"Tell me Kaiya. What do you want to draw? Something simple to start."

"A cup." Was the first thought that popped in my head.

"Very well. Think of a cup. Its features and such. Think of yourself grabbing that pencil and drawing the cup in your head. Keep your mind focused only on that cup. Don't think of anything else. Concentrate."

I thought of a mug. My mom's favorite coffee mug. It was black and had a white handle. It had her name written in script. I focused hard on it. I focused on grabbing the pencil and drawing out the handle first and then the body of it. Before I knew it, the pencil was moving and I was drawing the handle. I was so proud of myself that I was drawing it, that I started to draw fireworks. I stopped thinking about drawing entirely and the pencil dropped.

"That's great for your first try. No one has ever got to draw the first part of their thought on the first try." Ms. Aero complimented me. I smiled at her, and tried once again. She left me alone, and for the rest of the period we did simple sketches.


It was finally last period, which meant it was almost time for me to sleep. But last period was training. And it was an hour. Like really. Fifteen extra minutes of class. And not even pencil and paper. But training. Not just regular gym. Like some intensive gym. Well I mean that's what I saw some guys doing when I entered the field. I was ten minutes early so I decided to just sit down and watch. It was only boys, and they were practicing bow and arrow and running across the field in only ten seconds. Did I mention the field was the size of a football field? So these boys had to have the ability of speed.

The coach was watching me and my stomach dropped once I saw who it was. That smirk was too recognizable and unfortunately made me want to melt. I couldn't get away from this guy no matter what. I left my stuff on the bench and was going back to the cafeteria to get a bottle of water. Thank god the cafe stayed open all day for such things.

"Hey Kaiya! Come over here for a second?!" 

I gritted my teeth and took a breath in. I turned around slowly and jogged up to him. I was faced with his smile and his very noticeable fangs. I couldn't help but stare at them. He was staring at me too, and by the look on his face he knew I liked his fangs.

"You seemed surprised when you saw me."

"I didn't know you taught training and math. It's weird."

He laughed, a deep laugh too. Yup he had to be in his mid 20s. Giving me more reason to stop thinking about how hot he is, and focus on getting the hell out of here.

"Well I wanted to know if you would like to join them. You'll be doing the same anyways."

I bit my lip. "I mean I haven't really tested that speed ability yet. But thanks anyways Mr. Felix."

I turned around, but he grabbed my hand, puling me closer to him. I started to breathe hard, scared that other people would look at me and think I was trying to pull a move on him. But no one was paying us any attention. The boys were focused on running ... more focused than they did before. I looked up at Mr. Felix who met my confused glance. 

"Please ... Call me Drew ... I'll set up a private lesson just for you Kaiya. Now. I'll see you in a few minutes." He let go of me, and I ran back to the bench. The feeling of the atmosphere changed, and the boys looked normal once again. I shot a look at Mr. Fel -- Drew, and he had a smirk on his face. I knew he did something to the boys ... Probably mind control or something around that. 

I got up and ran to the cafeteria to get a water bottle. When I made it back to the bell, the bell rang and the boys started to go to the bench to pick up their things. They all looked at me, and I just looked to the ground and played with my fingers. They started walking away the field and I couldn't help but listen to what they were saying.

"Yo she's beautiful man!"

"Damn she must be lucky to be the Chosen One."

"That's Alex girl man! He'll kill you if he finds out you tryna holla."

My eyes widened at that, and a boy with what seemed like a flat top, but only instead of it being flat it was curls, turned my way and waved at me. He was darkskin, and his muscles were drenched with sweat making them glisten. He had a nice Kool-Aid smile. I waved back, and looked at the ground again. The thought of Alex irritated me. He just disappeared on me in the hallway. I wonder where he was honestly.


So yeah. Where is Alex? 

TLC_Loyal_Or_Nah here's ya update! I'll try to update more faster.

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