Chapter Three

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8:00 P.M.

"Ready for your first day?" Adina asked me.

I shook my head. I mean not only was I not mentally ready, I literally wasn't ready at all. I have no supplies whatsoever. I didn't even bring a pen. I didn't know I was starting as soon as I got here.

"I have no supplies."

"Didn't you check your drawers when you first came in?" Catilan asked me.

Again I shook my head. "Haven't exactly settled in. Too lazy to."

"Well in your nightstand, they give you your supplies. They say that in the pamphlet thingy."

I furrowed my eyebrows at pamphlet thingy and then noticed I was admitted immediately. They told me their parents told them a bit about what they were. Well not exactly but they hinted. My parents...well couldn't tell me anything. But I guess things turned out...I guess good you can say.

I went upstairs and saw what they were talking about. In the drawers were a binder with lots of looseleaf, a folder, some sharpened pencils, some pens, and a highlighter. I grabbed my knapsack from Aeropostale and put my supplies in there.

I took my schedule off my dresser and saw my first class. Trig.

I groaned. Like really. I still need math in my life. I thought this would be a major escape to be honest.

I looked at my phone and it was 8:30.

I went downstairs to see the girls already ready.

"Hey guys what classes do we have together?" I asked them.

They both looked at my paper.

"I have Trig and Writing with you." Catilan said.

"I have history and foreign language...Oh my god we all have lunch together!" Adina said excitedly.

I smiled, happy I had someone to sit with now. Usually I sit alone. I'm not the type to make friends immediately on the first day.

"Awesome. So I won't be alone and won't get lost on my way to my first class."

I looked at the time and it was already 8:45. All of us grabbed our book bags and started our way out. Others were also coming out of their dorms and directing themselves down the staircase.

"You alone? Trust me. Everyone is going to want to be your friend."

"Oh really? Seems like people were avoiding me earlier." I said walking down the stairs.

"That's because you were new, and also because you're the chosen one."

I could already tell this chosen one thing was going to get real annoying. If people wanted to be my friend only because I was the chosen one they could just forget about wanting to strike up a conversation with me. I'm not the type of person who likes people using other people for their own advantages. Plus the stares are really ridiculous. Like it's not like I'm an Ace and a vampire. Now that shit is something interesting. I'm just a normal looking girl who has a lot of powers. No big deal.

Adina had to go to History while Catilan and I went to Trig. I entered and there were students in there already talking with their friends. I followed Catilan to her seat which was in the third row, near the windows. I sat in the chair next to her, trying to ignore all the stares my way.

"Isn't that the new girl?"

"She looks so shy."

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