Chapter Fifteen

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That's what was beneath me. Tons of feathers. 

My head was pounding, my body aching. I don't know what the hell happened to me, but whatever it was it sure hurt. I felt like I was thrown on a pile of bricks and then afterwards was thrown on a sidewalk filled with spikes. Just know I was in a lot of pain.

"Hello?!?! Is anyone here?!?! Hellooo ... Confused girl searching for some answers!"


I shook my head and got up from the feathers below me. I was scared I was gonna fall through the feathers but it was just a floor below me. I took a step forward and a sharp pain pierced my side. I looked down and saw I was bleeding from a scratch or something. Not too big, just like a deep cat scratch. 

"You know Kaiya, getting out the hospital early is never a good thing." Florence's voice surrounded the room, her usual soft voice was hardened.

"I know but like I just had to. I mean imagine if I didn't. Then I wouldn't kn--"

"You would've found out everything regardless. That is no excuse. Your body could've rejected the change!" Her voice boomed in my ears, immediately making my eyes tear. I didn't think about that ... I wasn't thinking at all.

"You cannot let your anger get the best of you especially right after a crucial moment in your life. You're needed in this war Kaiya. Or did you forget?"

"Forget? Forget the fact that I wasn't informed about this until a year ago? Forget that I'm basically being used for my powers and nothing more? Forget that if I wasn't the Chosen One and just some normal Ace my life would probably be less complicated? No I cannot forget that and excuse my tone but I'm pretty fucking mad that I can't forget that. I wish I was a normal teenager that didn't have to worry about dying because of some change in my body that isn't puberty!"

My voice echoed off what I assumed was walls. I realized I was breathing hard and sweat beads was rolling off my forehead. There was complete silence and I immediately felt guilty for going off on someone who was just trying to guide me. She didn't deserve to hear that. Maybe my mother. But definitely not her.

"Kaiya look to your left."

I looked to my left and saw ... Well saw me. I was just waking up but not at my usual time. It was around 12 in the afternoon. I see my mother cooking breakfast ... Wait ...

"Who is that with my mom?"

"Well that is your father. Since you aren't the chosen one, your father never left you. Although still with evil intentions, he has no plan on ever killing you."

"So ... So that means I never met Alex? Or Jacob? Or ... Oh my god, what about Mayah?! Is she ...?"

"Never thought of. Mayah doesn't exist. The only person who exists in this little world is Aimee. But because Mayah introduced you to Aimee you guys never communicated."

I look again and I saw Aimee ... Wearing a skirt! Aimee hated skirts. And she was hanging out with Mikayla? The most stuck up girl in school!

"Remember Kaiya. This would be your life if you weren't the Chosen One. I understand it may seem like I'm trying to make you feel bad for feeling the way you feel but that is not the case. Allow me to show you one more thing."

Right after she said that, right in front of me was Alex. It was like a hologram of him. He didn't look happy. He looked upset and ashamed. I saw him pull out a photograph. When I saw who it was, my eyes started to water.

"His dad? Dead? But how?! How the hell did I do that?!"

"Kaiya remember you didn't cause any of these events. Alex's father died trying to save him from a fight with the Others. This fight happened during the time Alex was suppose to be making his way to you."

"So you're basically telling me that I, being the Chosen One, prevented and caused deaths, created people, and was essential to the future. That makes me feel even worse!"

Florence was doing this as one of those lessons adults do in order to say "Told you so!" in some type of way. Or just to prove that I was being a selfish child. But c'mon ... Being a normal teenager is something you would wish for if you were in my shoes.

"So did you do this ... this little bubble world thing here to show me this? Or am I in the hospital once again?"

Florence chuckled. "You are indeed in the hospital."


Omg Iesha updated?? Why yes I did. Honestly you have to thank ebaby1999 so much love to this book and blowing up my notifications and reminding me that I have to get back to my writing! So thank you my love and hopefully my readers are still here ☺


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