Chapter Ten

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Alex's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what I just heard.

Kaiya. A vampire. Two changes.

But since Kaiya is a vampire ... And an Ace ... This just explained everything. The predictions Dayton and I made were right.

Mayah couldn't be Kaiya's sister. It just made no sense that Mayah didn't go through any changes or experience anything yet. Although the oldest you could get it was 18, Mayah was making no progress at all. She surely was human. The question was who told them they were siblings?

Aimee? Aimee was a different story.

Aimee's father was a well known vampire who fought for the Aces for a very long time. He lived to be 800 years old, until Kaiya's father killed him in a brutal battle. Not over love as some like to think, but over control. Both wanted to lead the world, but one wanted to change it while the other wanted to destroy it.

Aimee's father, Frederick, was killed before Aimee's birth, so she never got to meet him. And since she thinks Kaiya is only her friend, it explained why she was raised under a different roof.

Frederick was known for his ability to endure the sun for long periods of time, and many more abilities he failed to let anyone know. I predicted those abilities would be passed on to Aimee, hopefully helping us in the battle against the Others.

Her story was similar to Kaiya's, which is why I had a hunch that she had to be related.

"She only fainted, she'll be just fine. Everyone should leave. She needs to rest." The doctor bowed towards Florence. "You as well Miss."

I stood in my chair, while Florence stood in front of the bed.

"I wish to speak to you again Kaiya. You will know when and how to contact me." She was speaking to fainted Kaiya, but I knew she heard her. Just like that Florence vanished. It was just the doctor and I in the room.

"Sir she's gonna be okay right?" He looked at me, while changing her IV.

"Alex she's gonna be just fine. It'll take her time to get used to the urge for things other than food, but she'll be fine. Get some rest kid."

Rest? My girlfriend just turned into a vampire and I'm suppose to rest? Yeah, not gonna happen.

I went outside the hospital room and sat in the chair. I wasn't leaving this place until she woke up again. She had to be tired even though she was in a coma for a day. I knew I was tired because I haven't slept for a day. Kaiya was still mad at me but that wouldn't stop me from being the caring boyfriend she knows I am. I knew she was only talking to Deandre to get me jealous.

... I mean that's the only logical reason.


Aimee's P.O.V.

"Jacob what are you talking about, I feel fine! You're calling like every ten minutes. What's wrong?"

This was the fifth time today he called and I woke up like an hour ago. He wouldn't tell me why he was calling, only to "check up on me" and asking if I felt dizzy or nauseous.

He's been acting weird lately, barely calling me or facetiming me. This was actually the longest phone call we had and this phone call was only ten minutes. I feared the worst, but I had to remember Jacob was an important person in what he does. Being an Ace I think it's called.

"Baby, Kaiya underwent another change."

"Another change? Like the first time or worse?"

He gulped. "Well right now she's in the hospital an--"

"THE HOSPITAL?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" I screamed into the phone. I wonder if they told Mayah about this. It wasn't like him to hold back things like this from me.

"Because I was gonna tell you when you got to New York." He sighed. "Aimee you need to pack up some things right now. There's gonna be a black car arriving in five minutes. You can't stay there any longer. It's not safe."

Tears started to form in my eyes. Yeah I would be with Kaiya, but that means Mayah would be here by herself. And not only that, my mother would be here. If it's not safe, why must she stay?

"Not safe? What about my mom? Jacob what the fuck is going on?" I say while throwing whatever clothes could fit in my luggage. I looked out my window and saw the black car outside.

"Your mom is already at a safehouse at a hidden location. Just hurry."

"You didn't fucking answer my ques--"

Soon I heard glass break from a room down the hall. I looked out the window and the person was still sitting there in the black car. He looked up at my window and honked the horn.

"Jacob.",I whispered, "Someone is in my house!"

He cursed and started mumbling to himself.

"Open up the window and throw your luggage down. Then I need you to jump."

I looked at the phone as if he could see me. Me? Jump out the window? Do I look like Kim Possible?

"Aimee I need you to trust yourself. I can't tell you everything that is going on, but trust me when I say you could jump out the window."

As if right on cue, I heard more glass break and voices coming closer to my door.

Fuck. Guess I have to do it.

I opened my window and threw my luggage down. I looked down, my window being on the second floor. If Jacob said I could do it for whatever reason, then I could. I jumped like I've seen in the movies, surprised I landed on my feet. The man from the car got out and put my luggage in the backseat. I looked up, relieved and amazed at what I just did. I heard my room door slam open, and I hopped in the car.

The man sped off, not hitting anything or alarming anyone. I took out my phone and saw a message from Alex.

Alex: We'll explain everything when you get here. The man driving is my father and he'll make sure nothing happens to you.

I looked at the man and saw the little resemblance to Alex. He looked my way and smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but couldn't.

What the fuck is happening and what the hell does it gotta do with me?


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