Chapter Two

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We went inside the main office. It looked like a normal high school office, so I was thankful for that.

"Hey Laura." Jeremiah called out. A lady who looked to be in her twenties turned around in her rolling chair. Laura had a dark complexion, but looked like she could've been a model instead of a secretary. She smiled such a bright smile and I swear she could make any guy fall in love with her.

"This is Kaiya. You probably heard of her."

I shyly smiled and waved at her.

She flashed a smile at me and I swore I saw fangs. I blinked making sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. She started to laugh.

"Oops. Didn't mean to flash those." She said. She got up from her seat and went to us. She shook my hand, her hand being cold. I wasn't expecting the stereotype of vampires to be so real.

"I'm Laura as you already know. And yes I am a vampire. And no garlic doesn't kill me. And sunlight doesn't turn me into ashes. They just irritate my skin."

"That's...that's awesome. Are there more vampires in this school?"

She nodded. "Of course. This school is for special beings. And you don't have to worry for anyone sucking up your blood. Vampires don't rely solely on blood like they make it seem in the movies."

So this school has Aces and vampires. I won't be surprised to see a pack of werewolves anytime soon.

"Can we get Kaiya's schedule? She's already two classes late."

"Didn't you hear? Classes start at 9 at night." Laura said shuffling through some papers on the main desk.

"9 at night? But we just saw some kids going to classes."

"They're not going to classes. It's extracurricular activities. We have to think about the vampires here." She said chuckling.

She passed me my schedule.

Kaiya Perez

1 - Trig
2 - History
3 - Foreign Language
4 - Science
5 - Lunch
6 - Art
7 - Writing
8 - Training

*Training is an hour. Every other class is 45 minutes.*

"You should start unpacking your stuff. Tomorrow we'll talk activities and all the fun stuff." Laura said. She went back behind her desk and continued doing her work.

"Alright then. Kaiya you know where to go. Now you boys go to your dorms."

"Wait. You guys attend here?"

They both nodded.

I shrugged and went back up to my dorm. The door was locked, so I knocked two times. I was gonna knock a third time, but the door swinged open.

A girl about my height with hazel eyes stood at the threshold. She was wearing pajamas with Aztec prints on them and her hair was in a messy bun.

"Hey you must be Kaiya. Welcome aboard." She said moving to the side. I thanked her and went inside. I smelled no other than chicken coming from the kitchen. Thank god someone cooks around here.

"I'm Catilan. Adina is in the kitchen cooking up some dinner."

She motioned for me to sit down on the couch which I did without hesitating.

"So you're the chosen one huh?" Catilan asked, sitting next to me. She turned on the TV, SpongeBob was on.

"Good thing or bad thing?"

"Well it's good. Don't worry. We don't judge or treat you any differently." She said.

"Who are you talking to Catilan?!" A cheery voice came from the kitchen. I looked towards that way, and a girl about 5'5 with purple and black hair came out. She was wearing a skirt with combat boots and a crop top. My type of style.

"So you're Kaiya. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand and I shook it.

"Yeah she seems a bit shy. We gotta break her out of her shell." Catilan said. All I did was smile and pick at my fingernails.

"Ya know for someone to be the chosen one you are shy. Thank god for being humble."

"Adina I could see she's exactly what we wanted. Weird. Funny. Adaptable. And attractive."

I was shocked by how she got my traits from just looking at me.

"Catilan has this weird power where she could like...well I can't even explain it. No one can. It's like she could tell the future and past."

"Gosh Adina ate you trying to scare the poor girl. Don't listen to her. I just have this thing where I could get a vibe. A normal thing believe it or not."

"Nahh I understand." I said.

These two kept on bickering about Catilan's "not so normal" power and I couldn't help but laugh. I could tell I would get along with these just fine.

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