Chapter Sixteen

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There was always this smell in the hospital that smelled ... hospital-ty. It was a really odd smell but at the same time it was a smell that soothed me. But also a smell I was getting really tired of. Like this is my second time in the hospital because of "change related injuries" and I wasn't really in the mood to hear the doctor speak about how it's very important to stay in the hospital until you're told you're good to go.

Like yes I know. I just at the moment didn't really care.

"Kaiya I know you're awake. I can hear your thoughts."

I sighed and opened my eyes to see Alex right across from my bed. I closed my eyes again. I wasn't really in the mood to hear the "I told you so!" talk from him nor hear the fatherly talk I know he's gonna give me. Yes Alex I'm aware I could've died. Frankly I do not care.

"So you're not gonna talk to me? Kaiya you could've died you know that? You put your own life in danger for some guy that tried to sell you out!"

See? I told you he was going to say something. Did I forget to say it was gonna be something stupid?

I sat up on the hospital bed, putting the pillow where it comforted my back. I was now facing him from across the room, eye to eye. I didn't have all the energy needed to go off on him. I didn't have that much energy to even move the pillow to be honest. But I had to do what I had to do. And that was to go off on him.

"Listen Alex. I didn't put my life on the line because of Xavier. Let's get that straight. I put my life on the line for my best friend. To make sure she was going to come out alright. It just so happened that I find out my evil twin is actually my other best friend and that Xavier popped up in my room. And since you are so nosy, Xavier came to me for help. Because the Others somehow made him with the same powers we have." I said all of this in a whisper. It hurt to talk loud. And Lord knows I wanted to scream at him. But that will be for another time.

Alex stood quiet, grasping all I just said. I could already tell he was gonna say something else but I stopped him before I could.

"And no I do not like Xavier. Don't even come at me with this jealousy shit when you were seen with Alondra. So I advise you to keep your mouth shut."

He actually kept his mouth shut.

I heard muffled voices coming from outside the room ... Well muffled screaming which I assumed was my mother. My stomach turned at the thought of her screaming at me. I can tell Alex off, but I most definitely can't tell my mother off. That's just a huge no no.


"Mom. Please. I understand you're angry and all that but the screaming hurts my head. Yes I could've died but all of this could've been prevented if someone could've gave me a heads up before I came in here. Like I don't know maybe that the change is reversible or that AIMEE IS MY SISTER AND MAYAH IS MY EVIL TWIN SISTER?!?"

My throat hurt and I was honestly expecting some type of slap to the face. I just screamed at my mother even though I just said I wouldn't. But she didn't. She just stood there. Shocked. She looked at Alex and then Alex looked at me. I then realized what was happening.

No one told my mom that I found out.

No one thought it was important to tell her that I knew.

Oh right ... No one thinks in this place.

"Who told you?" My mom said in a whisper. "Alex?"

All he did was look down at the floor.

"Alex I told you I wanted to tell her."

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