Chapter Eleven

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Kaiya's P.O.V

I woke up at around two in the morning, stomach grumbling. I looked to my side and saw a plate of mac-and-cheese, hot and ready to be eaten. I started to chow down, thanking the Lord for the cheesy goodness going down my throat. But eating this didn't take away the question of who brought it here and how did they know I was gonna wake up now or soon, being that the food was pretty warm.

I saw a head outside my room and recognized it as Alex. I heard faint voices and saw he was talking to two other people. I was too weak to "super-hear" right now, so I could identify the voices. Through the window, I could make out a male and a female. And from what I saw, the female was pretty mad from her body language. 

But besides that, I was still hungry. The plate of mac-and-cheese was pretty big, even big for me. So for me to still be hungry, was pretty weird. And not hungry for food, hungry for something else. Hopefully I was hungry for chocolate or skittles. Ya know munchies type food. And not ... the b word. 


My eyes widened at that voice. But it couldn't be. Why would Aimee be all the way in New York? Although she could be visiting me, I didn't ask her to, knowing that she must be busy with school and dance. And if Aimee came, then Mayah definitely had to come. It only seemed right. 

I decided to call Alex to see if he needed any help dealing with whoever outside. I heard his phone ring, and he picked it up.

"Alex, what's going on?"

He sighed. "You'll see." Then he hanged up. I looked at the phone, surprised that he had the nerve to just hang up on me. The door opened and in came Alex by himself.

"Kaiya, we have some news."

"We?" As if on cue, Dayton came in, with Aimee, who did not look happy. I didn't say anything. All I can do was look at her and look at Dayton. They were together? Jacob broke up with her and Dayton was the good-looking hero. I mean say you have some news, and two people of the opposite gender come in, that's the first thing I can think of.

"Aimee? Why are you here?"

"You don't know? I thought they told you cause they didn't tell me anything except one thing."

We both looked at Alex and Dayton who looked very hesitant to tell us what they needed to tell us. 

"Kaiya, Mayah isn't your sister. Aimee is. And before you say anything, you gotta hear us out. Everything with you becoming a vampire, and undergoing a change ... None of that is just random, it's not miracle work. You've been specifically chosen from the higher Aces years ago. They knew your name, the day and year you were gonna be born, and what abilities you would possess. They knew you would become a vampire. In order to become a vampire, you must have vampire blood in you. Either through sex, or through exchange of blood. Aimee, your father was friends with Kaiya's mother and then became more than that. They obviously had sex and then had you. Vampires mate in summer and have their child in the winter, since vampires develop in five to six months. You were born in the winter Aimee.

"Your father was killed in a battle, fighting Kaiya's father. Many proclaim to win the heart of her mother. Hence, Kaiya's mother was with her father. With the blood of Frederick, Aimee's father, created this second change in you."

Dayton looked at me as if expecting me to say something. But what the fuck could I say? Oh wow thanks for the information, totally not freaked out about the whole thing? Hell to the no. I was angry for being lied to, I was angry that Aimee was lied to, I was angry for not being told this, I was angry in general. 

My own mother lied to me, told me Mayah was my sister. Why would she lie about that? Why couldn't she say that Aimee was my sister? I was eventually going to find out, unless she thought people would keep it a secret from me. And even if they did, what about Aimee? She would be taken to a hospital with no one knowing what to do. Only be surrounded by humans, she would try to get blood somehow, and if not too careful and without proper training on how to suck blood or control yourself, she could've killed someone. 

"Since you did all this digging, I'm guessing, why didn't my mother tell me the truth? Aimee could've died if she didn't know any of this. She could go through the change any day now, and if this wasn't told, she could've fucking died!" 

Aimee was standing there, in shock. Not speaking, not moving. Just standing there, staring at the floor. 

"When you become a vampire, do you get more, I guess, acrobatic? More flexible?" 

Alex cleared his throat. "Yeah you do. Your case is different, being that your dad withheld abilities, not many vampires do. We need to run tests on you in order to determine what they are."

"So I'm an experiment?"

"Well, no not exactly. It's just --"

"It's just that I'm an experiment. The only reason we were told this so early was because you need to run those tests of yours to see if you could use me for whatever. I'm not stupid, not stupid at all." Aimee then left the room. I wanted to comfort her, tell her it's gonna be okay, but I felt her pain. It looked like she was only told this to be used for people's advantage. I would be pissed off too. 

"Guys, give her some time. Me too. Where's Jacob, cause she needs someone to be there for her."

Both of the guys looked at each other. 

"He's with Amanda." 

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