Chapter Nine

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I didn't know where I was.

But man my body felt good.

It was as if I didn't have a body. It wasn't numb, but it wasn't there. I didn't feel any pain, the piercing of my skin stopped, and my headache seized. I looked down at myself and saw I was practically glowing. The melanin was indeed popping today.

Or tonight.

Or whatever time of day it was.

Was I dead? I mean I was breathing and I didn't feel cold in anyway so I couldn't be. Was in heaven? In hell? The purgatory? I mean I did disobey and kill my father which I'm pretty sure the Ten Commandments say not to do. Plus I did kind of lust after Xavier and Deandre. So in total I broke three commandments in about a year. But two of those commandments were for good cause, and the other ... well the other because I'm a teenager. And most likely God wouldn't take that as an excuse.

"You're not dead Kaiya. You underwent the change once more."

My eyes widened at the voice of an older lady. I mean relieved that I'm not dead and God isn't judging me by my actions, but creeped out by the fact that I'm basically nowhere and there is a lady speaking to me. 

"Um...who's speaking? And where I am?" I said while walking in what seemed the same place. It reminded me of the loading screen of Assassin's Creed. Only this time the "room" I was in was a light blue and nothing was pixelated. 

"I'm the leader of the Aces, Florence. I'm sure your history class has talked about me at least once."

"Well I just got in the school like yesterday." I said matter-of-factly. I noticed what I said, and thought it could've came off as a bit too smartass-ish. She laughed as if she was a queen and continued to speak.

"I will speak to you later on. Right now you are in a state of shock and in a hospital bed."

And just like that I was in a hospital bed. My eyes were closed yet I felt people surrounding me. There was a lot of energy in the room, a mix of different negative energies and some positive energy.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with her?!?! I'm her mother!! I have the right to know!!"

"Ma'am we need to run more tests on her to make sure she's okay. For now, stay calm."

I opened my eyes, and saw my mother practically standing over the doctor who looked terrified. Alex was sitting down, now staring at me. Deandre was to my right with his head down, and Catilan and Adina was sleeping. I looked at the clock and it was 3 in the afternoon. I was knocked out for more than a day, although it felt like it was only 30 minutes.

"Mom..." I said hoarsely. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, and came running to my side. I tried to move my arm, but pain ran through it, surprising me temporarily. I bit my lip in response, and just thought it was better not to move or speak because my throat felt very dry. You would think they would give me water while in a minor coma. 

The doctor was going to say something, but there was a bright light that came from outside the door. Mom ran to the door and opened it, only to be greeted with white smoke, and screams. Right after you heard heels clicking on the tile, and for some reason I had a feeling who it was. The smoke cleared but there was no one there, except students sitting on the floor in shock.

"Was that ... was that really her?" One student said.

Yup, that was. 


There she was standing in front of my bed. Her black curly hair went down to her hips, her gray eyes pierced mine. Her dark skin glowed although the lighting in the room was very dim. Everyone in the room was either wide-eyed or had their jaws dropped. The doctor looked shooked as hell. And me? Well I just looked at her. I could barely talk and everything hurt so I just looked at her. 

"Florence? W-What are you doing here?" The doctor asked. 

"I need to talk to the Chosen One of course." She said without breaking our gaze. She came next to me, and sat on the bed. I was going to move over, but she stopped me. 

"As I mentioned before Kaiya, I needed to speak to you. The reason for my sudden appearance is because the change you just went through isn't normal. As you already know, there were many prophecies stating that The Chosen One would come save us from the Others and finally get rid of them. You went through one change not so long ago that made you an Ace. What they didn't tell you that your change was a 50/50 chance. There was a possibility that although you had good intentions as a person, you could've been an Other. As confusing as it sounds, because of this 50/50 chance, someone out there has almost the same abilities as you, only they are evil."

"So you're telling me I have an evil twin?" I mean it did sound like it. How come Jeremiah left this part out? 

"That is what I'm saying. But only you do. And as an Other, she cannot possess the ability of having such a connection with the sun as you do. But she has an ability that relates to a connection she has with something as well."

"Oh ... well is this why I went through another change? Or is there something else that people hid from me?!" I sounded angry because I was angry. I was tired of people not telling me things that I should know. This whole "wait till it's the right time" shit was getting annoying. The last time I swore I was dying, then I almost died while fighting my father who no one told me was evil and wanted to use me. Would've prepared me a bit ya know.

She smiled at me, but I wasn't smiling at all. I wanted to know why I was experienced what I experienced.

"Kaiya you are a vampire. As the prophecy foretold, you as the Chosen One would endure two changes. One as an Ace, and the other..."

And just like that I blacked out.

This shit is too much.


So. I updated. And for good reason.

Earlyyyy Saturday morning (5 or 6 in the morning pls send help) I'm starting the road down south with my mom, dad, and sister (like I said PLS SEND HELP) to go visit my dad's side of the family in South Carolina (this is my first time so this is gonna be awkward asf). During the ride there, I'll probably be asleep because I'm pulling an all-nighter today (talk to me if you're an owl like me) so Imma be updating all books as many times as I can before I go. I'm kind of excited, but the thing is the ride is seven hours long (basically a school day so that's the only thing that's gonna push me through believe it or not) and I sleep for like 10 or 12 hours so hopefully that works. Plus it's the south and I'm black and white people scare me sometimes so like pray for me y'all.

So yeah. 😀

*I'm gonna be very bored if I do wake up so don't hesitate to message me*

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