Chapter Thirteen

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Mayah wasn't my sister.  Yet she was my evil twin. 

The girl I've been with ever since we were little, the girl I spent my whole childhood with and more, was my evil twin. It just didn't make sense at all. Was my mom hinting at me that we were connected in some way when she told me Mayah was my sister? But then why not hint about Aimee and keep me away from Mayah? 

Is Mayah even aware of everything that is going on? My father said Others are known to be evil at birth, but Mayah wasn't evil at all. She was such a loving and caring person. Yeah she was aggressive at times, rude too, but it was all for good reasons. She was bullied for goodness sake's and had a wall built up. I mean ... I mean yeah sometimes her aggressiveness was uncalled for at times, but it didn't mean she was evil! Hell I got aggressive sometimes, but I'm an Ace. So why must she be an Other?

"Deandre what else did they say about Mayah? Why is she my evil twin? How did it happen?" I was confused and needed answers immediately. 

"Back then if an Ace and an Other ever got together the punishment was for the mother to bear twins, one Ace and another an Other. There was no way to change the outcome, no matter how much you tried to change them. This continued until the 1900s. What the council forgot was that the punishment one of the members were giving was actually a gene. There was a very small chance of the gene actually working. You're the first case in about more than 200 years."

So my ancestors were bad asses. This is why it was apart of the prophecy. But this only meant that my mother or my father had sexual relations with the opposite side. I was told that I looked like my father, and since Mayah looked like me ...

"Is there any way that I could get birth records?"

He looked at me but not exactly at me, like he was thinking about something. He took a deep breath, and grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. My breathing started to get heavy, confused as to why the hell he was grabbing me up like that. I mean I was enjoying the close moment, but still. He closed his eyes and told me to do the same. 

Next thing I knew I was in some room that smelled like old books. I opened my eyes and we were in a library but it was clearly underground since there were no windows. I heard a rumble, and the horn of a train. 

"Where are we?"

"Brooklyn. Specifically the A-Train line. This room is hidden and only available for Aces and good vampires."

"Okay but how the hell did you get us here? That's an Ace power."

"My blood brother was an Ace, but at the time I didn't know. Although Vampire blood is more dominant, there's always a chance of the Ace blood dominating."

The look on his face before he came here was a look of determination. Whether he should reveal his most likely hidden power, or keep it a secret and let me do the work. I would've been cool with the second option. 

I started walking down the aisle, looking at the books. Books about the council, momentous events, biographies about famous Aces including celebrities, and even witch spells. I pointed at one of the witch spell books and all Deandre did was shrug. We finally reached the end of the third aisle when we saw the birth records. Thank god it was in alphabetical order by first name.

I went to "M" and reached Mayah almost immediately. I pulled out a small book, and there was a picture of Mayah on the front. I opened it up and saw the basic things. Name, birthday, hair color, eye color, but most importantly parents. Her father was my father and her mother was her real mother, a human. This probably explained why her powers didn't kick in as soon as mine. I flipped the page and her age, address, height, weight, and her siblings. My name was in bold with an asterisk next to my name. 

I flipped to the next page and there were pictures of Mayah and I hanging out, along with Aimee. These pictures dated back years ago, ever since we were children. You could tell the cameraman or woman taking the photos was well hidden, yet you would've thought it was a photo shoot. The next page was describing her change ... Yet she didn't undergo the change yet. 

Her date, what would she obtain from it, and whether she would be evil or not. Evil was circled.

I closed the book shocked by all the information I just learned. The council is able to predict what is going to happen. Who knows who even wrote this? A member from 20 years ago? Possibly 100? 

I went to "D" and decided to look up Deandre's name. I went straight to the page where it talked about his change. He endured it two years ago, the word "good" circled. He had the ability of speed, strength, immune to disease, and to change into any animal he wanted. His acquired Ace ability wasn't written so I'm guessing it really was a secret. The page also said he was in a coma for three days, and possibly didn't make it.

"Saw something interesting?" I jumped and quickly closed the book, putting it back in its place. 

"Just snooping around ... I got what I needed so I'm ready to go." 

"Well let's go then." 

I grabbed his hand, feeling the blood rush to his hand. I looked at him and he smiled at me, his fangs gleaming an weird glow. My mind started to wander on how exactly it would feel to be bitten my a vampire and turn into one like the books I've read. But unfortunately that won't happen, and since he didn't have the ability to change another being into a vampire it wouldn't matter. But still. Biting is hot. 

"So we gonna go or you just gonna stare at me?" My eyes widened. I was staring at him that whole time? Why didn't he say anything? 

"It was only a few seconds."

"Minutes. You slowed down time. I felt it. Usually happens when focused on something." When he said the last thing, he smirked at me. I couldn't help but blush. I closed my eyes and focused on his dorm. I felt the normal wave of nausea and when I opened my eyes we were in his dorm ... and I was in his arms?

"Um ... explain?"

"The wind pushed me towards you ... I didn't want to squeeze the hell outta you so I held you like this."

"Are you going to let me go?"

"You want me to baby girl?" 

I quickly got out of his arms and just stared at him. I only spent like an hour with this boy and he's making me question my feelings. I ran downstairs and Aimee was still there. I grabbed her by her arm and went downstairs to my dorm. I opened the door and there was Catilan and Adina sitting on the couch.

"Aimee these are my friends Catilan and Adina, guys this is Aimee. Make small talk."

I ran upstairs and locked my room door. I felt a presence behind me, and it wasn't a good one. I cracked my knuckles one by one, and slowly turned around. 

"Xavier what do you want?"


Ahhhh I don't know what I'm doing with this story but I'm liking it.

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