Chapter Eight

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Ice cream surely hit the spot. I almost forgot Alex.


I picked at the rest of my ice cream, something I normally didn't do. I was getting a headache because of my over thinking but I couldn't stop doing it. Was there anything going on between Alex and Alondra before I got here? I mean I've only known him for a year and he's been going here for three. Or am I being that over jealous girlfriend who's insecure as hell and can't stop thinking that other hot girls might take him away? Yup definitely being that girlfriend.

"Kaiya are you sure you alright? I heard you were outgoing and all that, and you being all ... Quiet." I looked up at him, not sure what to say. It was getting cloudy outside, so that kind of explained my moody feelings. But it didn't explain the gut feeling I was getting about Alex.

"Nah I'm not okay to be honest with you. But I'll live." I weakly smiled and he touched my hand.

"Tell me what's going on ma. It's eating you up, I can tell." He looked at me, urging me to let it out. He looked trustworthy, and the girls didn't warn me about him so I should be good.

I told him how I was feeling about Alex and told him about Alondra and Amanda and the weird ass vibes I was getting, which of course weren't good ones. When I was finished I felt a bit relieved and the headache I had was gone.

"Your first day was hell I see ... Don't worry about them two girls. They always starting some trouble around here, especially if they feel threatened or whatever. Take it as a compliment babygirl." He flashed that white smile of his and the sight of his fangs always surprised me, even though I knew he was a vampire.

"How long you've been here?"

"Three years."

"So you've been here ever since Alex was here?"

"He came about two months after me. You wanna know if he had something with Alondra?"

I hesitated on saying yes. Of course I wanted to know, I wanted to know everything about him and her. But I didn't want to seem crazy and as if I didn't trust him. I do trust him ... at least I think I do.

"Back in the first year she tried getting with him. All I know is they had a little something, but it broke off pretty quick." I nodded, not too amused by the answer I got. A little something to someone can be a big something to someone else. Alondra must take me as a threat because she probably still got feelings for Alex. Or again I'm over thinking this shit too much and should chill out and finish up the rest of my ice cream. I went with the second option.

"Thanks for the ice cream by the way. You didn't have to buy it."

"My treat. Think of it as a pre hang out day before we really hang out."

"Alright then." I said smiling.

"You have a beautiful smile you know that?" I started to blush, and immediately stopped smiling.

"Thanks I guess. I've seen better." He side-eyed me, and I shrugged. I mean I wasn't wrong, he can't deny that. I felt my phone vibrate, and saw I got a text from Alex. I rolled my eyes, and put my phone back in my pocket. It kept vibrating, so much that Deandre started to hear it.

"You gonna answer that?"

"Nope. It's Alex, and I don't wanna talk to him."

"Well he's right behind you."

My eyes widened, and I turned around to see Alex leaning on a lamp post. He waved at me, and looked pissed. I mouthed "Go away" but he shook his head no. I groaned and excused myself. Deandre said he had to go back to his dorm anyway to get ready for class. I looked at the time and it was 4 P.M. Class didn't start until 8.

Alex started walking towards me, and all I could was look away. I knew I couldn't be mad at him forever. I wasn't even mad. I was just very, very, irritated not only from what I just heard about his little whatever with the girl, but also because of my gut feeling. My momma always taught me to go with it, and if I go with it this time, it's not gonna end well.

"You wanna tell me why you're with him?" I looked at him like he had three heads. I know damn well he wasn't gonna get on my case about Deandre.

"Because I can. Is there a problem? Are you jealous?" I crossed my arms, knowing damn well that was the problem. He couldn't stand me talking to another guy. And I wasn't gonna settle for that type of relationship. I could talk to whoever I want. He has plenty of friends who are girls and he talks to whoever he wants, besides Alondra because she's a special case, so I should be able to do the same.

"I talk to whoever. I don't say shit when you do you, so don't say shit when I do me. And if you can't give me a good reason why I can't be with him ... Entonces vete pa cajaro." I gave him a big smile, and started to walk back to my dorm. I knew he didn't know what I said, and I knew he was gonna search up later what I said, and when he finds out what I said he's gonna feel offended because that's just how he is.

I was inside the building and ran up the stairs. I could've just teleported myself to my dorm, but that's too much thinking and my head was pounding like crazy. I couldn't understand why, and I was scared of many things that could've been happening to my body. Maybe I was just too stressed and this was my body way of coping with it. I was sticking with that thought and nothing else.


"Up here!"

I went up the stairs and to Catalina's room. Her and Adina were sitting down watching Orange Is The New Black.

"Um do you know where the nurse is at?" My tongue was getting dry, along with my lips. My vision was getting blurry, and instead of one Adina, I was seeing two.

"The floor above us. What's wrong Kaiya?"

I wasn't able to answer. It was as if there was a huge lump in my throat and I couldn't get it out. I started to sweat and my vision was so blurry to the point I couldn't see. My legs felt like jelly and I started to grab to everything in order to stay balanced, but that failed. I collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily. Adina started to fan me down, trying to cool me down, but it wasn't helping. I could hear Catalina screaming outside the dorm for help and to get a nurse, but it sounded like she was miles away.

My eyes started to get heavy. I desperately wanted to close them, but Adina told me to leave them open. I felt myself smile weakly. Was this how it felt for my body to reject the change? Was this how it felt to ultimately die? To be numb? All of this was happening to me, but I felt no pain. Only brief moments of pinching of my skin, but that's about it.

I couldn't leave my eyes open any longer. I closed them besides Adina screaming at me not to.

Soon enough, I felt the life leave my body and I felt at peace with myself.


So yeah. That just happened. Not telling you guys anythingggg but if you wish to know one thing, no the book isn't over.

Comment what you think is gonna happen next in my diabolical plan. Well not exactly diabolical, but it seems like it. ☺

Vote, and follow.

ig: xoiesha_

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