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Hi, my name is Alexanderia but my friends call me Alex or Al. I have pale skin, Brown eyes, and natural dark brown hair which I dyed an blonde ombre to. I have three other siblings, which you will learn about soon. I have a cat and his name is Boots, but we all call him something else like Bubbuish, boo-boo, baby, Prince, and all that shit. My siblings and I are internet famous. My celebrity crush might be Jack Gilinksky, Twaimz, Brent Rivera, and or Matthew Espinosa, Ha I don't know.

Yes, I have fears because I poop and I pee like everyone else. They are spiders, being alone, and love. I have been broken before and I made a promise not to let it happen again.

I have been living with my guardian for 7 years. I also have a tragic past that leads to me being me. I have never told anyone this story so, here it goes.

{8 years ago}

She died for our safety. She was pregnant with my little brother. At the time I was 6, (which makes me 14 right now) My younger sister was 3 and my older brother was 10. My dad was on a business trip for 7 months, 2 months after he practically raped her. He came back on her 9 month one night as she was tucking in my sister and he spased out, thinking my mom was a whore. He told her to get an abortion, and she declinded. He pulled out a gun, to be specific a P99 Side Arm. (The kind the police officers use) He aimed at my mom, I got out of bed to see this happening. He was always abusive to us. My sister snuck past while he repeatedly slapped my mom. I took my sister downstairs and hid in a closet we didn't use. We stayed until, I forgot the phone. I got up and hushed her. I snuck out and grabbed it only to hear curses, threats, and thuds. I quickly rejoined my sister in the closet. As soon, as I was hidden I called 9-1-1.

The Call: (O=Operator A=Me)

O: "911, what is your emergency?"

A: " My name is Alexandria, and my dad is beating up my mother because she is pregnant" I calmly said.

O: "Ok sweetheart, my name is Eric. I will send an ambulance and some police officers. Don't hang up until the police are there. What is your address sweety?"

A: "Ok Eric, I live in 500 Susan Street Romeoville, Illinois my area code is 60446"

O: "Perfect, darling. Honey, are you alone?"

A: "No, my sister and I are hiding in a closet that we rarely ever use"

Just as I explained this, I heard my dad yell and huge thud along with my older brothers blood curdling scream.

O: "Alexandria, are you ok? What happened?"

A: "My...my brother screamed...right...after my dad.."

O: "Alright, I want you to stay hidden no matter what. Don't go out Alexandria"

A: "Eric, how close are they?"

O: "They are almost ther-"

Then a gunshot erupted, the silent house.

A: "Oh no! Oh my God! Mom. Oh no! Bubby!" (My nickname for my older brother)

O: "Alexandria? What happened? Don, hurry we have kids in a house with a pregnant female and an armed male! Gunshots were heard, I repeat gunshots were heard. Alexandria I need you to talk to me. What happened?"

A: "I don't know, my mom and brother are upstairs with him. I don't hear anything except thuds..."

Then another gunshot followed by my mother's scream this time.

O: "Alexandria, stay were you are the police should be pulling up. Don, we approximately have 3 children, a pregnant female, and an armed man. Two on first floor and three on 2nd floor.

A: "My dad is chasing my brother right now! I can't see the police cars Eric."

O: "God Dammit Don, these kids are gonna die!"

A: "Eric, I'm scared!"

Hold on Alexandria, just a little bit longer I thought to myself.

O: "Alexandria, can you hear him? Is he near you? If he is don't speak. I want you to tap on the phones mic, even so much as a whisper can give away your position. Tap once for yes and two for no, is he near you?"

A: (Tap)

O: "Are you still with your sister?"

A: (Tap)

O: "Do you know we're your brother is?"

A: (Tap, Tap)

After it was silent I started to smell a nasty awful scent. Like burning tires, or rubber. I quickly got up and checked if he was still down here. He was in the room right across burning pieces of his shirt with a lighter. He threw them on the ground making that light up as well. Soon he moved to the next room the police were here. I told Eric and he said to find an officer to tell him that we were safe.

My brother found us and we jumped out of our backyard window. We ran our way around and we went to the ambulance, our brother made his way to the officers who were asking him where our dad was. The cops busted the door down and my dad fired at them. He shot down three of the five that went in. The paramedics carried a stretcher up to my mom. We waited. Soon, the S.W.A.T team van had arrived because my dad just kept shooting. Our house was practically on fire. And we were being rushed to the hospital. A cop joined us in the ambulance. He pulled out a pencil and notepad. He asked us questions. Personal questions, like our names, ages, etc. After he introduced himself as a friend of our mothers, and told us his name was Don. So Don must be the head of the officers, whom Eric was talking to.

Soon, we arrived to the hospital. They were currently prepping her for surgery. The bullet had hit just under her left breast. I was surprisingly calm, probably cause I was so traumatized, tired, and scared at the same time. We all were. Don took us to the police station, because children are safer there than a hospital. There I met Eric. He gave us all hugs and put us in his office so he could watch us.

At around two in the morning the doctor declared our mother dead. She died from two causes, one being the amount of blood loss, and the second was failure of the surgery. But, they were able to save the baby. Who is our younger brother. They called him a miracle for lasting so long.

Eric adopted all of us and has had us under his wing ever since.

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