~Chapter 51~

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My world has now run out of air. My ears popped and I started to get dizzy. I started hyperventilating and dropped to the floor sobbing. I held Cody close to me and rocked us back and forth. I cried and cried. I cried until I couldn't breath and choked on my own tears. I held Cody so close to me. I looked into cody's silver eyes and watched my tears run down his delicate face. I wiped them from his face as I heard Justin faintly ask, "Can you remove it?!" and the doctor shook his head and held it in shame.

"No, we can not. The tumor has spread and has infected the whole left kidney and a quarter of his stomach. I eventually passed out in someone's arms. 

I woke up in my living room. Someone was holding my head in their lap, softly stroking my hair. My eyes were swollen and red from crying earlier. I shifted my eyes up to be met with Brent's soft brown ones. I was happy than upset, I started to feel my tear coming again. Brent picked me up and cradled me in his lap. I cried into his shoulder and whispered, "I'm sorry"'s and kissed my head. I just cried until I was completely dehydrated.

Brent got up and grabbed three water bottles. He set them down and looked into my eyes, hold my hands and said, "Alex, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for cheating on you three times and breaking your heart. I really am. I won't do it again, and to prove it..." he got on one knee and pulled out and box. He popped it open and there sat a three band ring. They were all gold and shone beautifully in the dim light. I slipped it on and said, "I brent Rivera promise to keep you safe and in my reach at all times. I promise to love you at your best and hold you at your weakest. I slightly smiled and and he finished saying, "I love you and want you back." I kept silent and said, "Brent, you broke my trust and you are going to have to gain it back. It will take a long time too." He chuckled and said, "I would wait forever for you and our baby, babe." I nodded and hugged him. We sat on the couch and waited for everyone to come home.

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