Chapter 18- How to Win Friends and Influence People

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Hi guys! I'm back...finally. It has been way way to long since i last posted and i hate myself for it but if anyone is still here then thank u so much and i am so so sorry! But yeh, GCSE's and Secondary School all done now (Next step collage yay! me oh god...) but yeh i know it has been a long time and most of u will have forgotten what is going on so if u like u can go reread anything you cant remember or i will just give a quick overview here.

Okay so previously on BIBB
Cat and Danny finally met again for the first time since the messy break up
Cat is having some confused feeling between Danny and Eoin
Guy is determined to try and help Luke now 
Mark has been acting odd, not going home and not being himself
Glen is determined to fix everything and make a list of Things Autumn would have wanted.
Kara has tracked down Danny is waiting to make her move to avenge Dan
Joey has befriended a little girl called Gale at Kara's place
Last time I left you on a cliff hanger of someone in a confession box admitting to 'Lying, deceit, cowardice, desertion....and murder'

So yeh i hope that is enough detail for a recap sorry again for the wait but i hope you enjoy this! :)


Chapter 18- How to Win Friends and Influence People

*Guy's POV*

I feel like I should say something, saying how I miss her, apologizing, anything; which is odd really, after all, talking to a stone would normally be considered crazy. I look at the flowers in the small vase at the foot of the stone, a minute ago they seemed so full of life but as I have watched them they seem to have shriveled and died. I sigh. I don't even know why I'm here; out of obligation I suppose. I don't want to be here, I don't want to know she, well at least what is left of her, is somewhere under that stone. I almost feel she is turning in her grave down there, knowing her killer is so close; because that's what I am- a murderer. I'm the reason she is dead, that makes me a killer.

But even a killer can repent his sins, can't he? If given a chance. So that is what I must do, repent. Luke believes himself to be a killer, and he thinks he is alone in these feelings. But it's different, he didn't set off that bomb that ended Jay, but I did push Annie to her death. Yet we are both slaves to this feeling of guilt.

I have been a terrible brother- well, a terrible most things, terrible boyfriend, terrible son and terrible brother- I know this. But maybe, maybe I can change that. It's almost New Year after all, the time for turning over new leaves. Maybe it's time I gave it a try.

I sigh, turning to leave the cemetery, my mind set on a new task- be the brother Luke deserves and needs. Suddenly I catch a glimpse of a figure hurrying out of the church and down out of the cemetery gates. I recognize the figure: the bald head and the ginger beard are fairly distinctive. I wonder what Mark Sheehan could have been doing in there.

*Luke's POV*

Running: I was never really a massive fan of it to be honest. Over short distances it was fine, but I was never one for cross country, more of a sprinter. But sometimes it's just what you need, you know? A good run. The great thing about it is in order to run you must be leaving something behind you, speeding away from it all as fast as your body can push you, and sometimes that's exactly what you need.

Music beats out of my headphones blocking out any sound from the outside world. I focus on it, forcing myself forwards, faster, further; even though my lungs are begging for mercy I can't stop.

I can see the gates ahead of me, where the grass and trees end and it opens out into the chaos of mainstream life. I don't want to reach it, but it's better than turning back, back to what I have been running from, so I bite my lip and continue.

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