Chapter 4- Hotel O'Donoghue

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Chapter 4- Hotel O'Donoghue

*Luke's POV*

Smoke surrounds me as I begin to cough as dust fills my lungs and my ears ring. I smile slightly as I push myself up from the ground, all still in one piece. "Jay! Jay we did it!" I cry, turning to look for my friend. "Jay?" I call through the dust.

"Luke, Luke!" I hear his voice cry but it's not a call of victory, of joy, it's a cry of pain, of fear.

"Jay?!" I yell, scrambling back into the huge, thick dust cloud, sliding down a bank back towards the explosion. I try and follow his voice but it is being drowned out by the bangs and explosions around me- oddly reminding me of bombfire night, only now I know I am not safe, they are not just pretty lights in the sky anymore.

Somehow through the sand I find him, shattered with derby, his face full of pain and his right leg savaged. "Jay!" I cry, falling down beside him.

"What took you so long?" He asks, a weak smile on his face. I return it as I wrap my arm under him, pulling his arm around my shoulders.

"Come on, we have to go." I say "3, 2, 1, heave." I say, hauling him up slowly. His cries of pain vibrate around in my ears but I grit my teeth, trying to stay focused. "Come on, we have to go, get you help." I say, trying to stop my voice from shaking as I see the maroon colour the sand has become around what is left of his leg.

"Just a scratch, nothing to worry about." He says, probably sensing my thoughts.

"Yeh...right, come on." I say before I slowly begin to drag him back towards base. Despite what he said, every movement is countered by a sharp cry of pain. It's not long until I can hear him sob, feel his body fall weaker and weaker against me and soon he is muttering, the same three words again and again,

"Leave me, please leave me, leave me, please." He cries over and over.

"No! Stop it! I won't and you know I won't!" I cry, tears burning against my eyes. Suddenly, in a split second I hear it coming, the split second before the bang, the bang so loud I could hardly hear it. For a second, I feel as though I am flying and a comforting thought crosses my mind- maybe I am flying off to a better, safer place. But then I am thrown roughly back into reality as my body smacks into the earth. But this time I can see him, right next to me, our blood mingling together in the sand his however drowning mine out.

"Jay." I say, my voice hoarse.

"I'm sorry." He whispers weakly.

"Shush, what are you on about? You have nothing to be sorry for!" I say.

"I have failed." He says and my breath sticks in my throat as my heart crumbles.

"No, no you haven't. Oh god of course you haven't! Come on, we are not far away now, come on, you can do it, please, come on." I mutter, tears forcing their way down my face.

"I can't, I'm so sorry, I can't." He says, his tears making dark lines through the sand covering his face.

"You can! Come on!" I say, ignoring the terrible pain in my side as I try to haul him up.

"Luke stop! Please stop! I'm sorry!" He cries and I give in, falling to the ground beside him. "Tell them, please tell them I love them." He says, his voice choking on sobs.

"Stop it! Don't talk like that! I am not leaving here without you!" I cry and he smiles sadly.

"I want you to tell Sophie, tell my mum, my dad, tell them I love them and that I am sorry." He says, "And you must do this, in person, get out of here, go home, tell my family and then be with yours! Please, for me, one last thing." He says and I nod shakily.

But I'm Barely Breathing (A The Script FanFic) (Sequel to Millionaires)Where stories live. Discover now